Friday 5 July 2024

Poem - Divine Love, Poetess - Maja Milojković (Serbia)


Divine love
Maja Milojković

Divine love, eternal and holy,
In the heart of man a flame shines,
It descends from Heaven, like a soft river,
And our soul is gently embraced by all.

She is the light that breaks the darkness,
In her is strength, every hope,
With her, the heart beats, it rests peacefully,
And the soul dances, free, easy.

In her lap, salvation lies,
Immortality offers, eternal joy,
Through suffering he leads, and through hopelessness he gives strength,
In divine love, you find youth.

Oh divine love, eternal source,
With you, our life is bright and we are happy.

Maja Milojković was born in 1975 in Zaječar, Serbia.
She is a person who has Leonardo da Vinci's statement running through her blood: "Painting is poetry that can be seen, and poetry is painting that can be heard."
That's why from then on she picked up a pen and a brush and began to discover the world and herself with them.
As a poet, she is represented in numerous domestic and foreign literary newspapers, anthologies and electronic media, and some of her songs are also available as videos on YouTube.
Many of her poems have been translated into English, Hungarian, Albanian, Bengali and Bulgarian due to the needs of foreign readers.  He is the recipient of many international diplomas.
He is the author of two books "Circle of the Moon" published in 2019.  and "Wishing Trees" in 2023.He is a member of the International Society of Writers and Artists "Gorski Vidici" in Montenegro and a member of the Poetry Club "Area Felix" in Serbia.

Thursday 4 July 2024

ঐতিহাসিক মুর্শিদাবাদের চিত্র, ফটো ক্যাপচার: মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ



হাজারদুয়ারি প্রাসাদ 

হাজারদুয়ারি ও ইমামবাড়া 

                            ওয়াসিফ মঞ্জিল 



প্রকৃতির কিছু চিত্র, ফটো ক্যাপচার - মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ




 ধলা, অরঙ্গাবাদ 

 সালার-এর পাশে এলাকা 

 গঙ্গা - পদ্মা, বলতোলা ঘাট, মিঠিপুর 

 ধলা - মহিসাইল 

 ধরণী পাহাড়, ঝাড়খন্ড 

                         বেলতলা, অরঙ্গাবাদ 


গঙ্গা - পদ্মা, অরঙ্গাবাদ 

                      ফিডার ক্যানেল, আমুহা ঘাট 


ধলা, অরঙ্গাবাদ 

                           পাওলি, সাগরদীঘি 

                              দুমকা, ঝাড়খন্ড 

Poem - Divine Love, Poetess - Maja Milojković (Serbia)

  Divine love Maja Milojković Serbia Divine love, eternal and holy, In the heart of man a flame shines, It descends from Heaven, lik...