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Poem - Together, Poetess - Céu Cruz ( Portugal)



Céu Cruz 


 All roses are fragrant

 But they are all so different

 They, the roses, have their thorns 

 And without a doubt they are all so beautiful 

 And every bird, with its feathers

 That some of them don't know how to fly

 And the sun, which you never touched

 beautiful and hides beyond the sea

 It's for life, with its distinctions 

 Beauties that looks reflect

 Because the hearts of men 

 They oppose but resemble each other

 And together, in the love that is concord 

 In the differences that intertwine

 And singing throughout the story 

 So that there is equality between us 


 ©All Copyright reserved under Law 50/2004, of August 24


 Maria Do Céu Silva Cruz was born in Santo Estevão, municipality of Chaves on January 23, 1970. She loves Poetry, a clinical secretary by profession. Author of the book “Desabafos do Meu Silêncio”, Lyrics set to music and performed by Elza Seixas on the CD Amarações, Co-author of a hundred anthologies, Ambassador of peace OMDDH and Commander of freedom and social equality -Commendation Princesa Isabel, Lady of Paz, corresponding member of the AIL Academy, Vice President of the Federation International Literary Copyright Treaty, founding administrator of Grupo Poesia em Família, collaborator of the GCPLI Group, founding president of Alianza Literária México Portugal Y el Mundo, general director of Grupo ALIANZA Literária México y El World and all branches.

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