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Poems of Zhang Zhi [China]


Zhang Zhi [China]

The Manuscript Age

Treading Mt. Tai under his feet

Old Tu Fu

Gave two lines

“When I am on the mountaintop

I will overlook other mountains”

Lying on the mountaintop and drunk

Old Huang Xiang

Gave a cry

“I’ll add height to the earth

With my genital”

Sitting at the foot of the mountain

Old Diablo

Is silent—

No one knows

He is taken by the throat

By an invisible country

A Poem of Fourteen Lines: To the 16-year-old A Wen

Taught by your parents

You began to work as a prostitute

When you were quite sixteen, you say

Pressed by the life in reality

I began to work as a poet

When I was quite sixteen, I say

Now still sturdy your little breasts

And also famous I am as a poet—

You can’t comprehend the great changes in my heart

While I fail to make clear your burning beauty

It is not so much to say you are opening freely on the bed of the country

As to say you grow silently in my poem lines

Whose heart is blown away by the nightly wind in June

Your hollow eyes will not hold the fiery sigh

The World Is Swaying in a Binoculars


The world fouled by

trash, semen, nuclear waste, heroin, blood and AIDS

can never be cleaned


Look! The world has entered KTV chartered room

Who knows which beautiful beast

delightfully moaning under his hips again

Tonight, the damned world will surely play rough

— It is also OK

if you image the scene

to be the Third World War


Rivers run east

Prostitutes go west

The world is like a lost lamb

standing at a crossroads

asking robots going north and south

“To whom I should bow, sir?”


The world is applauding for politicians with its feet

The politicians bathe the world in blood


The world cannot see clear our faces

maybe we have no face

“We can be shameless since we have no face”

a certain damned artist said so.


The world is waving its penis

howling on the top of the UN Edifice

“Behold, it is great”

In fact, last night

this fellow whispered to me in the dream

“Sir, my penis is of no use”


The world is unhurried

The world is not frightened

The world has gone under the wheel of history

but no blood is coming out

Who has ever seen the real blood


Whetting the knife, the world

is gouging out its own flesh

day and night. Dearth

is singing an everlasting song in a drop of blood

“Breast-fattening cream fattens the breast, not the waist”

Title Lost

No one can calculate

What time

The sun will no more damp

Frost will no longer fall on the land

What time

Our hearts and blood

Will no more burn in vain

What time

The world is no longer a volcano

We are no longer on the volcano

A pile of ashes

What time

The wind, waving its black lightning

Will attack the dying sky

What time

No one can calculate

About the author:

Zhang Zhi, born in Phoenix Town of Baxian County, Sichuan Province in 1965, is an important poet, critic, translator and publisher in contemporary China. His pen name is Diablo, English name is Arthur Zhang, and ancestral place is Nan’an of Chongqing City. He is a doctor of literature. He is the current president of the International Poetry Translation and Research Centre, editor-in-chief of Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (multilingual), editor-in-chief of the English edition of World Poetry Yearbook, and advisor to the Center for Globalization of Chinese Poetry of Nankai University. He began to publish his literary and translation works since 1986. Some of his literary works have been translated into more than forty foreign languages. He has ever won Literature prizes from Greece, Brazil, America, Israel, France, India, Italy, Austria, Lebanon, Macedonia, Russia, Japan, Egypt, Belgium, Armenia, and Bangladesh. His main works include poetry collections such as RECEITA (Portuguese-English-Chinese), SELECTED POEMS OF DIABLO (English), POETRY BY ZHANG ZHI (German-English-Portuguese), Selected Poems of Diablo (Chinese-English), A Jigsaw Picture of the World (Albanian), Feu Follet On Paper (Arabic), Poison (Arabic), and The Mirror Image of Ghost City (Serbian), collection of poetry criticism entitled Series Essays on Avant-Garde Chinese Poets, and poetry translation A & 1 IS THE FOUNDER (English-Chinese), Selected Poems of Tareq Samin (English-Chinese), My Secret Lover, You (Chinese), 103 Hieroglyphs About Love (Russian-English-Chinese), and translated a novel НАЗОВИ ИМЯ БОГА (Russian-Chinese), etc. In addition, he has edited Selected Poems of Contemporary International Poets (English-Chinese), Selected New Chinese Poems of 20th Century (Chinese-English), A Dictionary of Contemporary International Poets (multilingual), Chinese-English Textbook 300 New Chinese Poems (1917—2012), and Century-Old Classics·300 New Chinese Poems (1917-2016), etc.

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