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Poem - Our love is a knot of rope, poet - Dr. Aziz Mountassir (Morocco)


Poem - Our love is a knot of rope
Dr. Aziz Mountassir

In the tapestry of my heart, you're woven deep,
A knot of love that none can ever keep.
Like threads entwined in an intricate dance,
Our love's embrace, a timeless romance.

Each loop and twist, a bond so tight,
Impossible for any to unravel in sight.
With every breath, our connection grows,
In this tangled web, our love flows.

Through stormy seas and tranquil shore,
Our love endures, forevermore.
No matter the distance or trials we face,
Our bond remains, a sacred embrace.

So let the world try to pry us apart,
They'll find our love, a work of art.
For like a knot in a sturdy rope,
Our love withstands, steadfast in hope.

Together we stand, hand in hand,
Bound by love's unbreakable band.
For my love for you is like a knot,
Forever strong, never to be forgot.

Dr Amb.Aziz Mountassir
Is : born in Casablanca Morocco
*Ambassador of Peace and Humanity
* International poet .
*President of international forum of creativity and humanity from Morocco
*Prisident of OACG organisation Of Art Creativity and Goodwill Morocco
*President of Ciesart Morocco Peru España Swiss
*Ambassador of  international Peace Corps  Morocco
*Prisident of( UTEF türk) in MOROCCO
*Ambassador of INISA
*Ambassador of virtual Libro Mexico
*. Ambassador of Inner Child Press USA  in North Africa.
*Director of America in Magazine in Morocco
*Ambassador of  peace WIP (Nigeria) in Morrocco.
*Director of network Arabic in Morocco,
* Member of UNGM
* Journalist  ( Akhabar7)  Certified Moroccan newspaper
*President of the Association of Free Moroccans Defending Territorial Unity
*Ambassador of Condor Mendoza in Morocco
*Ambassador of SAPS Polond in  Morocco
*Ambassador Of CUAP suisse France in Morocco
* Ambassador of Acilbras Brasil in Morocco
*Director of IFLAC World in Africa and Morocco
* Member in NASA. 
*Regional delegate of the Honorable Alawites Council Morocco
*He has 6 books
*His poems have been translated into more than 16 languages
*Participated in more than 10 international poetry collections
*He attended many peace seminars in Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Egypt, America, Canada, Morocco, India, Jordan, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Tunisia…
*His Poems sung by some international artists after translating .

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