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Poem - Soul, poet - Zlatan Demirorovic (USA)



Zlatan Demirorovic (USA)

My name is Soul.

Although it is not my only name,

some call me, Duša, Anima, Alma, Seele,

Âme, Душа, Psyche, Nephesh, 

and so forth, if you wish.

I am God's spark of unique light

in the eternal symphony of

cosmic metamorphoses.

Changing thousands of names

only in this earthly lives,

rightly will emphasize that I’m quite old,

even though, that doesn't stand,

because, essentially, I am timeless.

But that explains why I’m quite heavy, 

over 24 g!

Well, you'll understand, because I'm clear

electromagnetic substance,

in earthly terms.

Now I'm not here by accident

born just like that in this very body.

In fact, I chose my parents myself,

and they proudly project signature 

of my endless gratitude

on the canvas of Cosmic glory.

I know, all that I’m saying now

in this human language,

with a flash of vibrational waves

synchronously drowns in the glittering river,

an infinite stream of sparkling destinies.

We all now have a feeling of confusion,

which leads us to the same dilemma

in determining our aspiration,

and that is definitely directed

towards the exciting goal of final drowning

into the Ocean of Eternal Light.

I became, I am, and always will be!

My name has always been,

is, and always will be,


This consciousness is still wondering,  

dialectically pondering, 

who am I:

My Soul, or Soul’s Me?

©® Zlatan Demirović


Bilingual book writer, novelist, critic, internationally acknowledged poet, and trilingual translator (English, Czech, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbin languages).

* The founder of PRODIGY LIFE ACADEMY and author of the PRODIGY LIFE PROGRAM, which serves as a platform for spiritual and personal development.

* Founder and Editor in Chief of PRODIGY PUBLISHED-USA 

* Founder and Editor of PRODIGY MAGAZINE-USA 


Translated into:

Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish, Greek, Turkish, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Hindu, Bengal, BCS (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian), Albanian, Dutch, Hausa Nigerian, Arabic, Aleut (Alaska), Pakistan, Bahasa-Indonesia, Kurdish, Persian, Azerbaijan, Tajik, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hebrew, Punjabi, Slovenian, Czech, Slovak, Tamil, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Nepali, Assam, and more, on the way.

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