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Poem - Stay Home, Poetess - Natalie Bisso (Germany)




Different roads lead us to this world,

Judas also passed his way in the world.

To be born a human is a miracle,

To remain a human being is work!

Without having time to read the whole prayer,

You become a target, as if in a shooting gallery,

To remain a man in a sinful world,

Where a shot in the black is the norm or revenge.

But everyone is free to choose their own path,

To live with dignity, with love and for the good,

Carry your cross without jumping and with courage,

To breathe deeply, without being afraid.


NATALIE BISSO is a poet, novelist, essayist, and songwriter. He is the author of 13 collections of authors, co-author in more than 180 international collections. The poems have been translated into 43 languages and published in international anthologies.

Honorary Figure of World Literature and Arts with the award of a silver badge. He takes part in the literary life of different countries.

Founder and President of the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune“ (ILACT).

Academician of the International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art; Academician of the International Academy of Russian Literature (MAPC); corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANI).

Honorary Member of the WRITERS UNION OF NORTH AMERICA, Head of the German branch of the SPSA, member of the International Union of Authors and Performers (ICAI).

Member of the Cámara Internacional de Escritores & Artistas and the CIESART World Council (Spain). Member of the International Union of Writers (ISP), member of the Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of Modern Poetry "SVETOCH", member of the International Guild of Writers (Germany), Member of the International Association of Writers and Publicists, Member of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London).

Advisor to the International publication of Chinese Literature (Hubei Federation of Literary and Artistic Circles), member of the Jury of international competitions, Ambassador of the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity (IFCH) (Morokko), Member of the European Council and the Intercontinental Advisory Committee RINASCIMENTO-RENAISSANCE Millennium III (Egypt); Honorary President of Thousand Minds for Mexico and the international jury in Germany (Mexico), Honorary Member of the Union of Spanish-Language Writers (UXE); International Peace Ambassador, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Member of the Advisory Board of the Quarterly International Online Magazine Afflatus Creations, India;

The National President of the Spanish Writers' Union (UHE) in Germany.

Multiple Grand Prize-winner and Laureate of international literary and music competitions; winner of several special international prizes; more than 400 laureate diplomas; multiple Recipient of international medals and orders, including under the auspices of UNESCO; title "Golden Pen of Russia“; title MAESTRO; title "Golden Pen of Kyrgyzstan", title MASTER of POETRY (Mexico); the title OF OUTSTANDING SCIENTIST FROM THE CONSORTIUM OF the International Academy of Ethics in India. She was included in the Platinum Book of the SPCA for active creative advances and great success in her work and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Union - FOREVER.

Her songs are performed on radio "Radar", "Recital", "Phoenix", "WE ARE TOGETHER", AVTORADIO, Radio OK, Radio NG, Talent Park, Ocean+, the video project "Intrigue show". Participant of TV pr

ograms on the channel "Artist TV".

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