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Poems of Sajid Hussain (Pakistan)



Sajid Hussain 


The seasonal tourist seems to retreat,

The sadness in deepened rosy twilight,

With every breath of air relieves hues of frosty reception,

Engraved for niches in a temple of heart,

Under a winter breeze a change of yarn ,

In giddy mazes glitters for a sail,

Eyes of a pale face with hoary frost,

Grows stolid demeanor for conventional forthcoming,

Up for grabs a new provoking arrests an incline,

Hoard nuts of life with lucrative perks,

Inhabit to unbend snatching breaths of disasters,

Driven with the wind and tossed of bad weather,

Banners of thousands sunsets glow lamps of revival,

On stunted plants at misty twilight zone,

A rainbow tints spray at deepening dusk,

Impulses storm broken branches with zeal,

To face just like solemn as a mask light,

Induces to feel their stalk as virgin rose,

Radiated vigor like a blushing cloud,

Is a beauty of life as a fiery moon,

Raise wavering courage bold as hawk,

The vision that endeavours for satisfying eyes,

Grown icy heart is need of a vestal flame,

Nimbus of budded roses on a heavy heart ,

Glimmers like a star under breezeless sky,

Brooding over stainless fields casts the soul into body,

A haze of winter far in the night,

Awakes golden beams of morning sun,

Period of repression saturates the night in woods,

Pulse of gain for pristine freshness of spring,

Approaches to retreat splendor of winter ,

The secret of subduing birth unfolds with hidden flower.

© Sajid Hussain 

Crossing Thick Fog

Sajid Hussain  

Sighing in the furnace of muffle with melting,

Incinerates the body in monotonous anguish,

Tears dip in sore heart crossing soul,

Contention pierces silence of solitary seer,

Lingering the brink of rank of black night,

Hurled lances fall with thud of blade,

On the weary heart thrived by desert shrubs,

Seen by dark night in gust of wind seeking,

The ripening palpitates hush to vivify the life,

Stows the sparks of perception to tent,

In travelers' eyes to grasp to thread barren dreams,

Shadows of some unseen power gather sick imagination,

They fley the formless floating on a foul stream,

Pulling the life's boat to meet and part,

A haze of living blue freezes sick thoughts,

Haunts the echoes of hills against the dusk,

Halts tired wings of the autumnal gale,

To alight burden on the back of fixed eyes,

A long departed youth in a morning beckons,

Enchants the fleeing glazing in hidden lyre,

Makes his way through the temple of sleeping flowers,

Which lost in the ocean of despair life's waves,

Induces the adventures of troop of awaking,

Through the baffled desire of the wanderers,

An enthusiast leads to set shoulder,

Against the mountain side to cross thick fog.

© Sajid Hussain  

All Belongings 

Sajid Hussain  

Through the journey of self-discovery,

In the heart's refuge the wanderer's soul,

Explores new frontiers with eyes of the tempest,

To find peace amidst chaos to break chains,

Of the trials of fate of the face of adversity,

The crucible of challenges charts course anew,

The sacred bond of hard times ,

Through the depths of grief discovers,

New horizons of the webs of reclaiming,

Of the beholder of storm's embraced tranquility,

The space of vulnerability revisits with moments,

To seek thrills of new fog of uncertainty,

Wanderlust roams to pursue passions relentlessly,

In the heart's fervour to find all belongings.

© Sajid Hussain  

Dr. Sajid Hussain       

                                                                    Sajid Hussain hails from Pakistan, was born on 01_02_1969 at Morgah Rawalpindi. He is a well-educated and multidisciplinary Poet, Admin and ambassador of many poetry groups . He achieved membership of World Nation Writers’ Union, Kazakhistan and Camara Internacional de Escritores and Artistas (International Chamber of Writers and Artists) based in Spain appointed him as the President for the CIESART Headquarters in Pakistan ., recognized, acclaimed, awarded, appreciated and featured, Dr. Sajid Hussain hails from Pakistan, was born on 01_02_1969 at Morgah Rawalpindi. He is a well-educated and multidisciplinary Poet, Admin and ambassador of many poetry groups . He achieved membership of World Nation Writers’ Union, Kazakhistan and Camara Internacional de Escritores and Artistas (International Chamber of Writers and Artists) based in Spain appointed him as the President for the CIESART Headquarters in Pakistan . Awarded with Shahitya Pata ,on the occasion of Birth Anniversary of National Poet of Bangladesh kazi Nazural Islam and The Rabindranath Tagore Memorial literary Honours by Motivational Strips with joint association of Department of Culture, Government of Seychelles from India.

He is Master Trainer of "Low Cost and No Cost of Science Material" Homeo Doctor, senior teacher of Chemistry in FDE, and Ex-Principal of Jinnah Public School Morgah Rawalpindi . He has done several courses and received many certificates from UNICEF, CIDA and USAID, FDE programs. He was awarded with certificate of Literary Performance in year of 2021 from Gujarat Sahitya Academy India, awarded with honor of Golden Pen, Excellenza, 59 years of independence Honorary award from Trinidad and Tobago and world cultural Freedom and so forth. He is a promising Poet already participating in innumerable poetry contests world-wide, he won many certificates of excellence, the list of his achievements and titles he has earned is quite long. His poetry is published in world famous print and electronic magazines, journals, newspapers, websites, blogs and anthologies. He is author of Acquits of Life, Parlance, Cloud Nine Fantasia.

Co-author of International anthologies: Flowers of love, Arabian Nights, Poets for Peace, the candles of Hope, Poetry Collection, Poetry for Ukraine, The Silk Road Literature, Ancient Egyptians modern poets Mediterranean waves, Peace and love Makes Society, Rhapsodies , Dandelions : Multiverse of poets, compiler of Pakistani English poets prodigy published in USA and so many. 

Published in International magazines and websites: Lit light, Chinese website, Hamayans Editorial, Poets Unlimited, Taifas magazine, Swapanjory Ch. page, Bharath vision, Mahamag, Al Azahar magazine, Litteratear magazine, Atunis Galaxy Poetry ,Verses De Rivulet, The poet, Homo Universalis, Spill words, Poetry Soup, Up word, and so forth. 

Co-author of national anthologies; To The Sea Shores, Tears of Despair, Cherishing Memories Volume 1 &ll, The Bliss of Factor, Tales of Heart, Patience of the Torn, Voiceless Words and so on.

His poems also featured in NBM Bangla TV Bangladesh and published in Daily Asia Bani- Bangladesh, Website Journal Bharath Vision in India, P.L.O.T.S magazine USA. He has written more than 850 poems so far, his poem has been got published in more than 100 world anthologies and magazines and also have been translated into different world major languages. His work also has been on different digital web sites and in different newspapers. He loves humanity that is why he has taken human hardships as themes of his poetry, he loves nature and believes in that close association with nature is an indispensable part of life which we are loosening and humanity is going astray, he also have a staunch faith that mutual global understanding is the core element to bring the peoples close and make life on the planet pleasant and worth-living, he thinks that poets only present a better image of the world, it is obligation of the people and organization who possess the political power, to implement.

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