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POEM - SCROLL OF MY TOMBSTONE, Aminu Femi Jamiu ( Nigeria)


Aminu Femi Jamiu (Nigeria)

Time shall come
When, I shall sail
On journey of no return
My quill shall feel the grief
This, then, shall be scroll of my tombstone

Let no man shed tears
Saying, the poet has gone
I had long shed an ocean of tears
Waking in frost-freckled mornings
Toiling in sun-scorched afternoons

In this labyrinth of path
I delved into the rising epic of years
Dwelling in self like a rejected monk
And continue to babble the sounds of eternity

This path of life is always unknown
And in death life reincarnate
To where no hatred abound
Neither hope nor passion
Even, Earthly love is void

Show me love
Not when am gone
Offer me a shoulder
For me to see further
Give me a lift
Not tears on my tomb

For the rawness of my palm
The callus on my feet
The wrinkles on my face
The scary scars on my skin
Duly, making my silent speak

Let this stand on my tombstone
Read this poem to the growing lads
This is my signature on the sand of time
Fervently seeking for love
Not tears on my tomb.

©Aminu Femi Jamiu
All Right Reserved

Aminu Femi Jamiu is an  Internationally recognized, Award - Winning Nigerian Poet, Author, Editor,  Social Activist, International Ambassador Of Peace, Universal Icon Of Poetry, recipient of several National and International Awards, including the Gujarat Sahitya academy award India, World Union of Poets "Icon Of Peace award 2021", e.t.c. He was born on 26th October 1994.
He is an HND holder of Biochemistry from Kogi State Polytechnic, lokoja, Nigeria. And he is a chemistry, physics and mathematics teacher.
Femi has authored two English poetry book "Poetry Pearls" and "Cosmic Voice" (The International Anthology of Contemporary Global Poets), co-author of 20 Anthologies. His poems have been published in many Magazines, Journals, E-zines and Newspapers. His poems have been translated into many International languages. Recently his poem has been published in Guinness World Record holding Anthology (Hyperpoem). He has been featured as one of the World's Contemporary Poet. He's the founder and president of the international literary online platform "Home of Global Writers.
Femi is currently working on an Anthology title "The Poetic Canvas" (The World Poets Anthology), with aim to feature Poets across the whole countries in the world.

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