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Poems of Jasna Gugić (Croatia)



Jasna Gugić (Croatia)

I would like to take

the paths of new hope

and erase my footprints behind me

because your escort is superfluous

before the rising sun.

I would like to walk

the land of solitude

for years

and walk on

the silence of the pathlessness


of all your words and deeds.

I would like to be born


bathed in purity

of my soul

and stand

in front of the starry sky

as a newborn.

And pardon

my rude words

and be patient

because my loneliness

is your loneliness, too.

You are my other self.

You do what I m afraid of.


Jasna Gugić

Silence in me

strikes in lightnings

of the sky too gray

and destroys my accumulated fear

in the years of non-belonging.

Silence in you

does not know my fears

and gets lost in words of

unknown people

whose hands cannot

touch the softness

of our hearts.

Don't let me stay silent

because my love is

louder than your smile.

The loudest one.


Jasna Gugić

You who have never

crossed the boundaries of dream

teach me to shout

from mountain tops

at the end of the day,

teach me to open my hands

clenched in fists

and do not be gentle

like those

who give kisses to everyone,

without tenderness.

Do not be false,

latent and arrogant,

be yourself all the way,

be the one

who does not leave his heart

in himself

but gives it to beat

in someone else's chest.

And only then

will I let you

into the caves of my loneliness,

wilderness and silence,

too silent.

I will allow you

to cross the boundaries

of all limitations

and enter my heart of infinity.


Jasna Gugić was born in Vinkovci, Croatia. She is the

Vice-President of the Association of Artists and Writers

of the World SAPS; P.L.O.T.S USA the Creative

Magazine Ambassador for Croatia, Ambassador in Elite Arab

Creative Union of The Royal House - Lebanon, Ambassador of Peace

and Peaceful Coexistence - Morooco, Global Ambassador

of Literacy and Culture for the Asih Sasami Indonesia

Global Writers, and a member of Angeena International,

a non-profit organization for peace, humanity,

literature, poetry, and culture. She is also co-editor

of the anthology, Compassion-Save the World,

one poem was written by 130 world poets.

Jasna has published three collections of poems. The first two collections are bilingual: one is Croatian-English and the other is Croatian-Polish. The third collection consists of a single poem translated into sixty languages of the world.

Jasna Gugić is one of the winners of the World Award for Cultural Excellence "César Vallejo" for the year 2020. in the category of culture, awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE).

She is one of the winners of the World Award for Excellence "Golden Eagle" for the year 2023. in the category of literature, awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE), in a global alliance with Mil Mentes por Mexico International (MMPMI) and Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura(AMLHAC) and 

Global Peace Alliance Award 2023. awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE) , MIL MENTES por Mexico Internacional, and Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura(AMLHAC). 

Jasna is a multiple winner of many international awards

for poetry and literature and her work has been

translated into several world languages. 

She lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia.

Her poems have been published in magazines

in the USA, Spain, Greece, Italy, Russia, Croatia,

India, Syria, Denmark, Brazil, Mexico, Bangladesh,

Serbia, Albania, Nigeria, Belgium, China, Chile, Nepal,

Pakistan, Korea, Germany, Turkey, etc.

Her poems have been published in so many world-famous print

and electronic magazines, journals, websites, blogs, and

anthologies like Spillwords Press – USA, P.L.O.T.S. The

Creative Magazine - USA, Mad Swirl – USA ,Inspired – USA

Raven Cage – USA, Highland Park Poetry - USA, Setu – USA, Ariel Chart – USA,

Dissident Voice – USA, World of Myth Magazine – USA, Cocktail Literary Journal –USA,

Synchronized Chaos Magazine – USA, Cajun Mutt Press

– USA, Word City Literary Journal - USA, Medusa‟s

Kitchen - USA, Sage Cigarettes – USA, Fevers of the Mind - USA, 

Atunis Galaxy Poetry - Albania /Belgium, Mokasini - Israel, 

Lothlorien Poetry Journal - UK, Polis Magazino – Greece,

Homo Universalis – Greece, Chinese Language

Monthly – 中國語文月刊 – China, Active Muse – India, Eboquills – Nigeria,

Azahar Revista Poetica – Spain, Sindh Courier –

Pakistan, Magazine Humanity – Russia, Entre Parentesis

- Chile, Daily Asia Bani - Bangladesh, Bharat Vision -

Denmark, Litterateur Rw, Dritare E Re – Albania, Literary

Yard – India, Gazeta Destinacioni - Albania, Newspaper Lissalba - Albania, 

Alb- Spirit – Albania, Albania Press – Albania, Alessandria Today – Italy,  

The Moment International News – Germany, Kavya Kishor English –

Bangladesh, PETRUŠKA NASTAMBA, an e-magazine

for language, literature, and culture – Serbia, Güncel

Sanat magazine – Turkey, Cultural Reverence, a global

digital journal of art and literature -India, A Too Powerful

Word - Serbia, Magazine Ghorsowar - India, Al-Arabi

Today Magazine, Magazine Rainbow, Humayuns

Editorial - Bangl

adesh, Himalaya Diary – Nepal and

Agarid br. 24 and 16, Online newspaper NewsNjeju,

Korea, Willwash. wordpress blogzine – Nigeria.

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