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Philosophic Poems by Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah ( Bangladesh)


Philosophic Poetry by Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah,


1. A Half Lying Moon

If my sense of dream would be a sensitivity 

I could have a mild moon in my hand

Like a half lying fair lady.

I have a white pigeon living in my mind

That holds dreams of love, peace and beauty 

In her white feather.

Even if I could not realize how a sensitive dream 

Could be a song of human light

When our sensible deer is often bloodied 

By a dream killer human tiger!

Who could believe in having a dreamy fruit 

From this bad dream tree!

And who can conceive a dreamy child 

And break her barrenness!

I won't return to this perceptive world

And will be hung up in my dreamt sky 

As a half lying moon.

With an awakening sleep I'll have a dream 

Of just picking----

2. An Unknown Bird

Let's have a study 

About your genesis process

And have authentic findings:

A lustful manhood between a couple 

If corporeal beings 

Tempted to each other.

Mitigates through the secretion 

Passing a pleasant way of satiation.

But the satiated couple knew nothing  

When and how they were interpolated 

With a dot hooked like a locket in their

Mother womb.

You, certainly experienced;

Read out your genesis report

Then ask yourself and answer:

Am I a creation of onanism? 

A sperous growth of myself? Self-reliant? Self-maintainer? Free from birth? 


Now, Mr. Sartre, an existentialist!

Tell me whether your theory of 

'Freedom by birth' is airy or not.

Then listen to what

A Bengali poet says:

Despite being imprisoned in an earthy cage,

Corporeality wants to be empowered wholly

Like a shoreless sea, 

But uncaged bird flies high 

While thunder bursts at night 

In a stormy journey.

Nobody took birth, nobody took death

Nimrod, Pharaoh dictators had to be gone,

Earthen figures often sing immortal song

But writing his death deed has already done.

3. Appearance and Reality

How could it turn down 

While you are a lovely earthen project 

That circled me to a pleasant utility. 

In fact, I am hooked-hanging 

Like an adorer of Charak Puja 

Who is hooked, hanging and circling.

I felt no necessity to know any news

Of your polygamous mind

If you are bearing HIV, COVID 

Or any other virus in you or not.

Only wanted your absolute mind

In an ideologue project 

And turned down your sensible figure. 

Just then you started to vanish 

In nothingness.

I crazily ran after you-

Your vanishing existence in space.

With a constant rounding 

I turned to a dot and at last vanished.

Is only appearance true? Invisible mind

Meaningless, needless, illogical and false?

You were raised in laughter and said—just I'm

An airy girl, love-lobe and earthy lady. 

Touch me for a pleasant creativity.

With the name of God I caught your hand. 

A divine spirit hooked us. 

Soul-sensitive cells burst with a solid emotion. I began to be existent again 

The absolute mind started emerging.

4. An Open Heart-Surgery 

Space-time spreads unfurled hair 

To a divan of enlightened wisdom.

Canceled narrow reason now even if

Infinite quest is a cyclic fallacy.

Manly nerval road is now pitched 

With a logical belief

Lively aside absolute truth and settled

In the first reason.

Postmeridian modernism turns rapidly

Into an empiric dustbin

Human children have already passed 

A long deadly desert 

And reached a spiritual world purely


There is an eternal moon shining

In the postmodern sky. 

It's now a meaningless debate 

Whether you exist or not.

Since you're first and last, unborn

And endless. 

Reason for the reason 

And so absolute reason.

It is high time only to touch you, 

Not to debate.

Therefore, O' postmodern surgeon! 

Take me to your operation table

And split my capitalist chest. 

Give out dead century's dusts 

And purify again. 

Make me fit for taking part 

In the absolute meeting.

Let the enlightened moon shine 

In the spiritual sky for opening

A soulful postmodern website.

5. Psychopathy

Speaking aside it is only a psychiatric sin

Causes freudian howl just lustfully mean

Filled sense-corridor with truly sensually

Passionates psycho thirst just corporeally

Freudian sense makes him theorist aside 

Demands nothing but polygamist guide.

His subconscious mind draws art

Absolutely siding the light of lust

Desires to be satisfied with what 

Makes him truly a corporeal part.

Lucifer walks through the psychopathic line

Tries to spell-bound all showing lustful sign.

Bio Note of Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah:

Globally published, translated and awarded world reputed poet, writer and philosopher Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah from Bangladesh is a poetic and literary personality of the contemporary world. He is the president of the literary group Poetry and Literature World Vision. He writes in English and Bengali as a poet, essayist, story writer, translator, critic and editor. His published books are so far 19 and edited books are 4 including encyclopedic global anthology World Contemporary Poets Vol. 1, 2+. He is frequently published in world class print, electronic and social medias-magazines, journal, newspapers, anthologies, TV, Radio and channels. His works has been translated into over 40 languages. He participated in many world poetry conferences, festivals, fairs, recitals and competitions as a jury. He is interviewed globally on poetry, literature, art, ethics, philosophy and world crisis. Shikdar is featured as a global poet, diamond writer etc. and awarded as a golden heart, world best personality, poet of the year, universal gold star etc. and achieved many world prestigious diplomas, laurels, honorary doctorate degrees and certificates for his literary and human activities around the world.

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