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Enrique Antonio Sánchez Liranzo was born on July 15, 1958, in the city of Santo Domingo, Capital of the Dominican Republic. He is a lawyer, poet, essayist and narrator. Film appreciation technician.
He has published works of poetry:
• Verses of springs (1991)
• Garden of Love (1993)
• Poems with the sea (1993)
• Primavera 88, Poemario (1997)
• Poems for peace (2010)
Finalist in the Spanish poetry contest “Estrella Fugaz” – Spain (2003)
“What happens between verses” – Spain (2015) and
“A poem in 80 days” – Spain (2015).
Appears in the following anthologies:
A poem to Pablo Neruda (Chile, Isla Negra, 2010),
A thousand poems to Pablo Neruda (Chile, Isla Negra, 2011)
With hands painted with poems (Argentina 2011)
A look at the south (Argentina, 2011)
Poems, stories and voice (Argentina, 2012)
Journey of the butterflies (Argentina, Parnaso, Patria de Artistas, 2015)
Poets and Storytellers of the World, (Santo Domingo, 2015)
I Anthology of “International Poets, Parnaso, Homeland of Artists “Periplos de las Mariposas – Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2015)
“A Thousand Poems to Gabriela Mistral”, Chile (2015), Belongs to the group
“Movimiento Poets del Mundo” Chile – (2016). As a lawyer he has worked in the area of Civil and Administrative Law, he has been a professor of Literature at the Liceo “El Millón” in Santo Domingo, from (1990) to (1992). At the José Dubai High School, in the city of Puerto Plata, in the year (1992) to (1995). Finalist Contestant for Justice of the Peace, at the National School of Judiciary, (ENJ), in the year (2014)
School of the Supreme Court of Justice of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in the year (2014)
Contestant for Inspector of the Public Ministry in the year (2016), in Santo Domingo. He is a practicing lawyer, columnist for the digital newspaper “Primicias Digital” of Santo Domingo, from the year (2013) to the present in which he writes a weekly article.


You are the key and
The inspiration of my poems;
You are the prose that
Turn on me
The inspiration of my writings.

you are the dawn
Of all things;
Your sweet lips
When kissing mine
They awaken love
What I feel for you.

Being a lover is the key
To give oneself completely and
With passion in your arms
Of his love and confused
The two in one, it is the only passion.

The secrets of love
They are delivered entirely in
\a crazy passion of love,
That is the key to the heart.

*Prepared Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter

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