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Ivan Pozzoni was born in Monza in 1976. He introduced Law and Literature in Italy and the publication of essays on Italian philosophers and on the ethics and juridical theory of the ancient world; He collaborated with several Italian and international magazines. Between 2007 and 2018, different versions of the books were published: Underground and Eiserva Indiana, with A&B Editrice, Versi Introversi, Mostri, Galata morente, Carmina non dant damen, Scarti di magazzino, Here the Austrians are more severe than the Bourbons, Cherchez the troika. et The Invective Disease with Limina Mentis,Lame da rasoi, with Joker, Il Guastatore, with Cleup, Patroclo non deve morire, with deComporre Edizioni. He was the founder and director of the literary magazine Il Guastatore – «neon»-avant-garde notebooks; he was the founder and director of the literary magazine L'Arrivista; he is the editor and chef of the international philosophical magazine Información Filosófica; he is, or has been, creator of the series Esprit (Limina Mentis), Nidaba (Gilgamesh Edizioni) and Fuzzy (deComporre). It contains a fortnight of autogérées socialistes edition houses. He wrote 150 volumes, wrote 1000 essays, founded an avant-garde movement (NéoN-avant-gardisme, approved by Zygmunt Bauman), with a millier of movements, and wrote an Anti-manifesto NéoN-Avant-gardiste. This is mentioned in the main university manuals of literature history, philosophical history and in the main volumes of literary criticism. His book La malattia invettiva wins Raduga, mention of the critique of Montano et Strega. He is included in the Atlas of contemporary Italian poets of the University of Bologne and figures à plusieurs reprized in the great international literature review of Gradiva. His verses are translated into French, English and Spanish. In 2024, after six years of total retrait of academic studies, he return to the Italian artistic world and melts the NSEAE Kolektivne (New socio/ethno/aesthetic anthropology).



At Unomattina they have given us Some sensational news,
Brought to us by WhatsApp and TV news malfunctions,
In the faint hope that homo Sapiens sapiens will not die out,
Who are losing their language.

It all began in 900, with the fall of The walls of the subjunctive,
And continued throughout the Century with the hypertrophy of the adjective,
All beautiful, splendid, Hyper-mega-convenient
To us Sanremi forced to romolar Against the tide.

Disciplined consumers of the Cockney language,
Buyers of second-hand words on eBay,
Patenters of penny neologisms, au Gr
Seeking the approval of any audience.

Casca the world, Casca the earth In pìcaresque frasques
Brute busy integrating pugi into Caesar's langue
Bury the lexicons without the Benefit of the conditional,

Accused of crimen incesti with an Ex-vestal virgin.

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