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Poem - Husk and Kernel, Poet - Dr. Gazi Abdulla-hel Baqui (Bangladesh)


Husk and Kernel
Dr. Gazi Abdulla-hel Baqui

A soul follows an order
Out of the dark water it comes to the world.
When peace looks into a reciprocal business delightfully.
All learning is to it a stony wall—
From A mumbling to A,
From A to apple through Mother to Zodiac sings.

He simply sees the world and its things
But everything is dark to him.
Everything is foreign to him, he is a stranger.
When peace favours, he silently proceeds
Successes, voyages, and mountaineering he performs
From the heart of every tiny particle
Darkness begins to disappear and the growth has flourished. His mind soars but he cannot soar.
This impossibility is his inability.
He approaches but he is blind, he astonishes and frets
He gropes in the dark, fortune favours him,
He sucks wisdom from the secreted milk of his mother
When peace lights his every instinct every instant.
He claims an area around him
Both husk and kernel along with satatnic and angelic Dormant in liquid darkness
Receiver of full nourishment in sunny transit.
The soul is awaiting its immortal migration.
Again the cherished note of peace is sounded.

Biographical Information

Dr. Gazi Abdulla-hel Baqui, poet, writer, translator, and a university professor, has already authored twenty eight books and a great number of poems, (including haiku and rubaiyat), articles and stories have been published in different national and local and online Dailies, Magazines, Journals, Periodicals etc. Besides being awarded internationally for his poetic accomplishments, he has many a time been honored by different organizations of Bangladesh for his contribution to literature, education and research. A solo cassette album of his eleven poems called `Visions’ and his poems in some anthologies have been published by The National Library of Poetry, Maryland. Oddball Magazine, English Teaching Forum, Poetry.com etc. have also published his poems. His prize-winning poems on peace have been published in Official Catalogues by Cultura-e-Societa, Torino, Italy. His poems generally deal with peace and patriotism, eternal problems and lasting human conviction. 

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