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PIEM - UNFINISHED! Poetess - Shobha Dhungana


Shobha Dhungana

I wanted to write
A poem on your fame
For that with heavy heart
I holded my pen.

What have I heard?
What have I faced?
And that did I realize?
I wanted to deframe.

For the reason of writing
I recalled my past
And memory of my dark days still last
And I fell in your love aghast!

For others, you are a hero
For, me an absurd insight
A giant demon who my fleshes bites
You killer of my aesthetic sight!

For your undue passion
I was so tiny like a mite
My weaknesses made me ready
For your crunchy bite.

For others, you are a man so cool
For me, you were rude and  cruel
Long did this, I confess
Inhuman and devotionless.

With this nostalgia with hate
I couldn't write more about my fate
I liked your name to forget
And my poem remained unfinished!

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