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Poems of Hasan Ildiz (Turkiye)




Hasan Ildiz was born in Alaşehir on 02.10.1960. He graduated from Horzumkeser Village Elementary School, Kavaklıdere Junior High School, Alaşehir High School, and the Turkish Language and Literature Department of Hacettepe University.

Hasan Ildız taught Turkish language and literature courses at Sarıgöl High School and Sarı Mahmut Elementary School. Between the years of 1998/2001 and 2005/2010, he worked at the Turkish Teaching Center in the city of Biskek, Kyrgyzstan. He taught Turkish language courses at the American University, Slavic University, and Social Sciences University. He returned to Turkey in 2010, and kept working at Salihli Ä°MKB Technical and Industrial Vocational High School until 2017 before getting his retirement. 

From 1985 on his poems have been appearing in literary magazines including Türk Dili, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Öğretmen Dünyası, ABC, Kirkit, Ege Layf, İnsancıl, Kardelen, Lacivert, Kurgan, Bireylikler, Yaba Edebiyat, Tmolos, Kasaba Sanat, Kurşun Kalem, Varlık, Yasak Meyve, Şiirden, Edebiyat Ortamı, Yedi İklim, Töre, Amanos, Beşparmak, Kasabadan Esinti, Kara Yazı, Şehir Edebiyat, Tay, Aşkın E Hali, Mavi Yeşil, Akatalpa, Dergâh, Caz Kedisi, Çinikitap.

He received an award of third place in the short story competition entitled “Turkic World Ömer Seyfettin Short Story Contest” jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture and the Turkish Literature Foundation with his short story called “Exile”. 

In 2007, he was given an honorable mention prize for his short story called “Joyful Mother” from the short story competition organized by Ãœmraniye Municipality. 

In 2008, he received an honorable mention prize with his short story called “The Kid Selling Roses”, from the competition organized in the name of Mustafa Necati SepetçioÄŸlu.

In 2011, he was awarded with the first prize for his short story called “The Beauty Sleeping for Dying” in the competition of Novel, Short Story and Essay jointly organized by Ä°LESAM (Professional Union of the Owners of Scientific and Artistic Works) and AkçaÄŸ Publishing House.



   1) SORGU / QUESTIONING –1997 (Poetry):Ãœrün Publishing, Ankara

            2) AKDENÄ°Z’E GÄ°DENLERÄ°N TÃœRKÃœSÃœ / THE BALLAD WHO HEADED FOR THE MEDITERRANIAN – 2009 (Poetry)- Devir Publishing, Ä°stanbul

            3) SEVDA TÃœRKÃœLERÄ° / LOVE SONGS – 2012 (Poetry)- Yankı Publishing, Ä°stanbul

            4) SÃœRGÃœN HÄ°KÂYELERÄ° - KAFKASYA / EXILE STORIES – CAUCASIA, 1943 (Short Stories)- 2009- Devir Publishing, Ä°stanbul.

            5) ÖLMEYE VATAN YAHŞİ- THE BEAUTY SLEEPING FOR DYING, 2012 (Short Stories)- AkçaÄŸ Publishing, Ankara.  

6) AÅžK ÅžEHÄ°RDE KÄ°RLENÄ°R / LOVE GETS CONTAMINATED IN THE CITY, 2014 (Poetry)- Åžiirden Publishing, Ä°stanbul.

 7) RENKLER KÄ°TABI / THE BOOK OF COLORS, 2018-(Poetry)- Temren Publishing, Ä°zmir.

 8) ELLERÄ° OLMASA HÃœZNÃœN / IF ONLY SADNESS DIDN’T HAVE ITS HANDS, 2020 (Poetry)- Klaros Publishing, Ankara.

 9) AFORÄ°ZMALAR / APHORISMS, 2021- Klaros Publishing, Ankara

         10) ANEMON (Poetry)-2022- Klaros Publishing, Ankara

         11) PETUNYA / PETUNIA (Poety)-2022- Klaros Publishing, Ankara

          12) LOTUS (Poetry)-2023-Klaros Publishing, Ankara

          13) Azelya / Azalea (Poetry)-2023-Klaros Publishing, Ankara

          14) Begonvil / Bougainvillea (Poetry) 2024-Klaros Publishing, Ankara.






My Alya, my Anemon flower, growing as being loved

Oh the gigantic soul and the wing of the soil will bleed

I will show up on one of the hot days

Every part of your body I touch will begin to talk

Alya, my Anemon flower, growing as being loved

You my love, I am a night, in the tale of Scheherazade

The tale of the one thousand and one, the hour of my birth 

Flow me into the waters, sweep me before a gust

The seasons and still warm, see, my flesh smells rose

Love, I am a night, in the tale of Scheherazade

Ah you see, this tedium, I’ve been going through like a bird

A bit steam of love, a bit scent of the heaven

So many seasons I experienced, dreams in dream

A pigeon’s sleep on your left bosom

This tedium, I’ve gone through like a wounded bird 

Lilac lips of the season, ah that white night 

I’ve been riding a horse maybe for ten-thousand years to grieve

Ah that sacred rain, I felt it on my body

I was your forty-two, scattered on the atlas of my heart

Ah that white night, the season with its lilac lips

You see, the day gets opened like the milk with no yeast added

Love weaves for us, the life in the mouth of the death

This oriental drama and the wedding feast behind

Would take you one night, to my mountains

You see, the day gets opened like the milk with no yeast added

Ah, I’we could have not known for whom your hair is flipped

For whom your heart used to flutter at night

I used to wish to die sometimes, but not being able to die

Now it’s an autumn chilliness wherever I touched

I’ve could have not known for whom your hair is flipped

I know, your hands start the day by caressing a dream

Time blossoms in your mouth smiling flowers 

Ah Alya, you would bring the second spouse after me

Who knows, what other sorts of evils cross in your head

Your hands start the day by caressing a dream

Saçların kimler için savrulur bilemezdim

Look, the back face of the mountain would get wet should I kiss it 

Our love would be recognized in the leaning of the roses

An eastern classic would appear and anoint the lament

It could be called either a pain or grieving the sadness

The back face of the mountain would get wet should I kiss it

O Alya, dogs are howling, there is cunningness in the night

Everyone is looking for their loved ones in a song 

A love outliving a life seems contained now in a syllable

A male cat time, eats his kittens

Dogs are howling, there is cunningness in the night

Vigorously call on her and let this hearing be over

Let the migrant girl of the island be kissed from her wound

That curtain-less window is my only witness 

Let the mouth of the night speak out whatever it would

Call on her and let this hearing be over

Eventually I come from the bee having lost its offspring

The wall of my mind is punctured constantly

The bird forgot the nest and the flower condemned to its twig

I pay the biggest tribute for love

I come from the bee having lost its offspring

You know, a winter is holding me by the arm and pulls me

Like a horse in the wild, I am trained for pain

Maybe I am supposed to die, and love should kill me

I should attribute every wind of the mountain to your hair

A winter is holding me by the arm and pulls me

The last remaining birds depart as the Fall does

You are nothing but a winter elapsing and causing pain

Look Alya, listen, the mountains talk about demise

Listen so that your skin would be shivered like female wolves 

The last remaining birds depart as the last season does

Oh dear, put your hand on my heart for the last time

Drop stones left from the summer inside of me

Had I clay feet, take it because of my being a poet

This is a love story by O’Henry, “The Last Leaf”

Put your hand on my heart for the last time

Uniquely, you had told me that this damned epoch is unity

Standing upright at the merging point of two water streams

You had made love with my shadow just yesterday night

Love was a street dance, for the women inside your body

You had told me that this damned epoch is unity

Suddenly, a bullet is still trying to find its path inside of me

The pigeons of love did not go down the water yet

Kiss me, let the sap of the soil go up to the branch

Call on that holy prophet who anointed us

Abullet is still trying to find its path inside of me

O dear, I am alone, as lonely as your living without a mother

Outside of me my nihilist side, and a Muslim inside of me

A girl I got lost every night in her forest

Colleting her womanhood from the mirror of inside of me

I am alone, as lonely as your living without a mother

My Alya, let orchids do not blossom, I don’t want it anymore

Its blue seemed to be for love, and its white for its innocence

Humans might get used to separation as time pases

Forgive me my rose-adultery, forgive me my magnolia

Let orchids do not blossom, I don’t want it anymore

Unready, my soul couldn’t recognize the captivity in your spirits

I regarded you my mountains as much as my winds

I didn’t become an oppressor resembling Leofric

But it suited you like Godiva on a horseback

My soul couldn’t recognize the captivity in your spirits

Curiously, I am heading to the howling hills, Alya

I am eternally having a falling out with the city I was born in

If there exists God and if making love is considered a rightful share

I am asking for my blessing for the spots I kissed

I am heading to the howling hills, Alya

Hey, you were all the blue, so blue like all the island girls

For me though, my land was the green of these mountains

You see, I gave to you all of your hours 

I am not jealous anymore of your friends you looked for

You were all the blue, so blue like all the island girls


English Translation by Mesut ÅžENOL


Hasan ILDIZ  

For my Alya

The day I found out how to look at you

A river was flowing under another river

That city didn’t seem to be Istanbul as it were

Such a comfort given by a seasonal sweater

Met with a black person by Bakırköy shore

The black person was able to explain love

In all the oriental languages.

That city didn’t seem to be Istanbul as it were

I saw you looking with a roll of your eyes

At the rose you made it blossomed at the pavement across 


They hauled to each other animosity stones for years

NiÅŸantaşı in the west, and in the east Ãœsküdar. 


I had lived so many twilights

I had suffered so much bitter cold

You may call all of them as a paranoia 

But just have a look at this

Does it have a description in medicine?

Like a roll of fabric

They shouldered me near the tunnel

They plundered all my parts

By swearing at my past

That’s why my heart

Keeps burning and burning

As much as a greek house in Galata.

I know they will incriminate me for provocation

They will shout at my back by calling deportation

On every occasion I went out

The day I found out how to look at you

They sucked and wiped away the water of my eyes

That’s why I am not capable of crying

I presume you are my mother when I enter Ä°stiklal Avenue

I start getting scattered like a broken r


An old architect introducing his old embroidery

At Yokuşbaşı to me

Saying, these are the original pieces, monsieur 

And I drew their sketches with my hands.


English Translation by Mesut ÅžENOL

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