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Article - Humanity is in the Teeth of Brutality, authoress - Luma Khaled Saadallah Al-Rubaie ( Iraq)


Luma Khaled Saadallah Al-Rubaie 


Journalist name: Luma Al-Rubaie 

A journalist who studied at the British International Academy for Media Studies and is a certified media trainer with the British Academy   

Member of the Iraqi Journalists Union 

Member of the Iraqi Media Network 

Director of Public Relations for the Arab International Media Network and responsible for cultural dialogues at Mubdoun magazine  

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Sawt Al-Arab Magazine 

Director of Administrative Affairs at the International Federation of Arab Press

Humanity is in the teeth of brutality  

Lama Al-Rubaie, Baghdad 

The conflict has intensified, the situation has tightened, and violations of humanity have multiplied in a war that has killed thousands of Palestinians in Gaza in a clear attack on the Arabism of the region, with everyone handcuffed under the course of hidden interests. Tel Aviv is still continuing this war, ignoring the UN Security Council’s decision to stop it immediately, and the orders of the International Court of Justice to take measures to prevent acts of genocide. collective and to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli army has been waging a devastating war on Gaza that has left more than 131,000 dead and wounded, most of them children and women, and more than 10,000 missing.

A few days ago, once again, the Israeli occupation army committed a major crime against innocent Palestinians. 

It was announced that more than 100 people were killed and dozens injured in an Israeli strike while he was performing dawn prayers at a school where hundreds of displaced families had taken refuge to escape Israeli military operations. In a horrific crime added to his series of crimes that have been continuing for more than ten months.

 Likewise, the recent events that included assassinations led to the martyrdom of a number of leaders and violated the sovereignty of a number of countries in the region, which thus increased the risk of other clashes that could lead to catastrophic results. 

Today, humanity as a whole condemns these heinous crimes committed by monsters devoid of human values. This was stated in a demand from honorable people in the world and in a statement from the religious authority in Iraq calling on the entire world to stand up to this terrible brutality and prevent the occupation forces from continuing to implement their plans to inflict more harm on the Palestinian people. The oppressed, he also calls on the Islamic peoples to unite and unite to put pressure towards stopping the war of genocide in dear Gaza and to provide more aid to its honorable people.

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