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Essay - Ode To Greatness! Authoress - Cathie Cayros (Russia - France)



"My refuge and my protection..."                                                                            Psalm 90

Cathie Cayros 

How to relieve pain when your soul is torn apart?  When you are not heard, and condemnations pour in from all sides. 

 How to cope without giving in to despair?  The scream can’t get out, as if it was stuck in the throat along with the pain. 

 How to free yourself from the shackles that hinder your movements?

 The whole world is against you, and there is no person who can restore your mental balance.

 But He is there, and when the long-awaited cry of “Oh, God!”  finally finds a way out, you understand that this appeal is not accidental.

 Will He leave fear and hopelessness, despondency and pain unnoticed!  The soul is looking for consolation, but who is rushing to help in your loneliness.

Who is even closer and dearer than the Father, covering and calming anger with his wings, giving peace and tranquility to the soul, protecting and preserving!

 You come not just to pacify, You prompt and open Your gates of generosity so that we do not get entangled in earthly shackles and justify our destiny.  You discover a previously unknown road and, like a baby, You lead us by the hand 

like a baby. 

 How can you understand the pain of every suffering, sick, unreconciled person, feel the tears of sadness and, wiping them away, give the opportunity to continue living? 

 “He will overshadow you with his feathers...”  Psalm 90

 So many times You showed the way, guarding and defending us, pulling us out of the abyss. 

 So much strength and power, so much love and joy You alone possess.   So generous You are with Your gifts to everyone who is able to see and accept!  Your abundance is limitless, but how limited is our consciousness in the inability to see it.

Vanity is the enemy of today, the enemy of prosperity and happiness.   And only silence allows us to establish a connection with You and receive the long-awaited humility of the soul.  He does not put pressure on you, He does not demand anything from you, He gives you love, the highest pleasure.  Teaches to love!  And you just need to accept and share this feeling with others so that your generosity is sincere and comes from the bottom of your heart.  The greatest payment for His deeds is Gratitude!

All humanity gives Glory to You in different languages!  What is our Gratitude?  Does it always correspond to the benefits received?  Faith is the hardest and least thing you can give Him.  But Faith is also the most powerful thing that can withstand troubles, that strengthens you in this world, makes you a resilient, joyful, creative and happy person!

 About the Authoress:

 Cathie Cayros is her pen name. She is a member of the Eurasian Creative Guild, the Union of Writers of North America. Participant and winner of many international awards, competitions and festivals, awarded diplomas and prizes. She has more than thirty publications in different countries of the world. Her books have been published on Amazon and other international electronic platforms.

 Cathie Cayros was born in Moscow, and has been living in France for about 30 years, in a picturesque place, not far from the Swiss border. This is a 14th century fishing village located on the shores of Lake Leman, which was admired by many artists and poets of past centuries. And now she gets inspiration for her creativity.

 Cathie Cayros is a doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Writing is still a fairly new field for her. Thanks to her medical education, she has a good understanding of human psychology, delving into the essence of his character, trying to see and understand the reasons for his state of mind.

 She was lucky in life, having received a literary gift, she with great pleasure imagines herself on the pages of her books and feels happy!

 Cathie Cayros thanks all her friends, colleagues and readers who share her interests and read her works!

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