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Poem - Sweet perfum in the air, poet - Álvaro Maio (Portugal)


Sweet perfum in the air

 Álvaro Maio


The music spreads a sweet perfume in the air

The strings of a guitar that sounds mournful

Whistle in an insane atmosphere

From the color of time come notes yet to be invented

A sea of dreams turns into echoes

While indifferent keys let out sighs 

Heartbeats are heard as drumbeats

That bring new accompaniments from the past

In a kind of operetta

Halfway to purgatory

Muffled laughter is heard

That disguise the dysphonia of a wake

The time of reunion languishes 

In a babel of clashing languages

But in the expected and desired end

Love sings and survives the funeral music


                                                                  Biography: Álvaro Maio is a journalist/ writer/singer from Portugal

Doctor Honoris Causa in Philosophy and Letters by CIESART of Barcelona, and Doctor Honoris Causa in Literature by AEADO Peru.

President of UMEA ( World Union of Artists and Writers ) Director of the CIESART International Conference Cycle in Madrid.

Published: Poetry - Fragmentos 2013/ Mais de Mim 2016/ Peregrino de mim 2019/ Purgatório 2022

Prose - Al

a! Ala Arriba! - 2021

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