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Poem - Life's Way, poet - Prof. Biswanath Saha


Life's Way

Biswanath Saha 

Burdwan, India

Oh, Dear! It's you who can

 praise or blame.

It's the reader who can value 

a literary work.

None I verily claim.

The pangs of life I feel;feel I 

equally the joy of life.

I see the sufferings they undergo.

Observe do I how they overcome

troubles and tribulations of mundane life .

I love them all; I feel for them.

I write on what life gives me to.

Joy and woe together they go

to make Man's life easy to flow.

As darkness and light or night and day 

Come by turns each day;

Only joys or sorrows  can never stand

alone along the life 's way.

©️ Biswanath Saha 

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