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Poem - The evening lit up in purple, poet - Raisa Melnikova (Lithuania)


The evening lit up in purple

Raisa Melnikova

The evening turned purple.

The day will pass inexorably.

The arch of the sky in the stars is impeccable.

Moon is assigned a ballot.

On the tower, counting time,

The clock hands are flashing.

And an echo from the tram

Delivers a message from the past.

Peace surrounds the surroundings.

My city is getting ready to sleep.

I catch time with a net,

Trying to curb the arrows.

Words playing with a melody

Striving to find meaning

The grass in the garden is flooded

From phrases packed in handfuls.

And the rhythms turn into songs,

They find shelter in heaven.

But arrows are the messenger of the future...

The clock on the tower is striking dawn.


Raisa Melnikova is a poet, prose writer, publicist, and translator. She lives in Lithuania, in Vilnius. She is an author of 33 books. Poems and prose were published in more than a hundred almanacs around the world and translated into other languages. He is a member of international writers' unions, secretary and vice-president of MLATT/ILACT. Academician MARLEY. Laureate of twelve International competitions and festivals. She was awarded many medals and insignia for her literary act


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