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POEM - DEEP! , Poet - Amb. Emmanuel Azenda (Nigeria)


Amb. Emmanuel Azenda

No one live longer than the world

She was there before any living personage

She run across the demeanor of man and
animal for centuries

She knows every spot of luminosity, dimness
and  confidentials that are not recorded in our

She's a book and the cover title is;  'the

Terra firma is part of her and as well the supporter
of all that exist within her

For it is written man  must till to live to overcome
the state of been still

Grain,  herbs and all greens are rooted within Terra firma,
to abund for feed and cure

Both flora and fauna can't do without the Adam's ale,
For it is significant and as well one of her component

It is not an awe that only the  attentive ear listen to her
when she whispered


When chronicles are said in chronological,
The attentive mind understandeth well

And when questions are left unanswered,
the WHY(s) are mostly, possibly probability.

©® Amb. Emmanuel Azenda
Founder/Executive President:
Poetry Education Academy, Nigeria.

About the Author:
Emmanuel Azenda, Holds a National Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (URP) at Adamawa State Polytechnic Yola, Nigerian, College of Environmental Science.  He's currently studying in National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN. He is a Member of the Poetry club of the American University of Nigeria (AUN.) Served as the guest poet on the world poetry day 2018/2019 (AUN.) He is a Formal Music Director at St Monica Catholic Church Police Chaplaincy Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Authored ' Light at the end of the tunnel,' (Live on amazon,) and 'Poetry wisdom in bundles' to be published soon . He is a writer and a Poet as well. He has written many poems and participated in multiple literary groups’ world- wide in the community of Face book. He has received many certificates of award, excellence, honor and recognition from the various groups. Some of which are;

1. Award of Diploma III, (World Nation's Writers Union.)

2. GrandPrize award ,(certificate of contribution in the world biggest anthology (1000 poets.) (League of poets, Nigeria.)

3. Winning Entry in the anthology; " The Bowl of Peace."

4. -Winning Entry in the Quarterly Magazine; " Nakshatra."

5. -Winning entry in the Poetic Excellence; " Creativity Our Hallmark." By, (Dr. K.K Mathew.)

6. -Most Distinguished Contributions To International Literature, By Literary Greetings in Soul. (Argentina.)

7. -Condor de Oro' 2019 By Capriso de la pluma (Spain.)

8. -Certificate of Excellence By United by Ink Malaysia.)

9. -Honorary Member: World International Economic Group. Founder; H.E Prof. Dato Datu' Fadli (Malaysia.)

10. -New World History Makers of English Poetry ( Ethiopia.)

11. -Top Ten Contributor, Golden Ink (India.)

12. -Certificate of commitment By the World Health Organization (WHO.)

13. -Certificate of Achievement by the International Art and Literary Review (U.S.)

14. -Award of Honour by the Global Academy For Human Excellence (Philippines.)

15. -National Coordinator Nigeria by, Union Mundial de poetas por la paz y la libertand (Cuba.)

16. -Social Soldier Award/Social Activist by, National Human Right Organization NHRO (India.)

17. -Corona Warriors Honour by, Ansari Vikas Charitable Trust (India.)

18. -Corona Warriors Award by, Pragati Bangla (India.)

He is a Founder / Executive /Executive president; Poetry Education Academy, and is known as
Amb. Emmanuel Azenda is currently working as an ASSOCIATE EDITOR at WRITERLY.

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