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Poem - Barn of Experiences, Poetess - Sibela Bala (Albania)


Barn of Experiences
Sibela Bala

This life is so beautiful
Just as short
For people who keep memories
In soul and heart
It is a balanced beacon
Neither off nor on
Barn of memories
In the old time house
From the ego of a scared look,,

Source of equipment
It is covered by a barn and a shed
Diaries of the Blind Muse
Source squeezed into boredom and much
In the old diary as well as today
Source of life that everyone loves
The experiences of life's challenges
Sometimes they hum like a melody
Sometimes they get lost in the desert
Barnyards of hurt memories
That rock like a child in a cradle,,

The long-suffering marathon over time
A million times the sky filled with curves
Old stories and time always reveal
That sample said the heavy word
We keep the wise word as a principle
I broke the bonds of time
As barns in the longest memory
As a wave of life and as a confrontation
All the wounds healed little by little
But very little recovery
Barn of experiences on the way,,

Time remained the same
People changed their mind about the face altogether
As it used to be, even the sun is not warming anymore
They advertised the lost voice
Like a raven song from the heavens
The experiences touched your unhealed wounds
All mankind in this life
Storage barns like in the Middle Ages
That leaves behind the desolate tear
The silent muse like the sunless day
Not paying any bequest,,

I tore off some of the shards of experience
I stamped the description
Hardworking as always
I filled a journal before the weather
That has torn my soul apart in silence
They caught my eye like many autumn leaves
A barn of emotions, willy-nilly
From this short raining world,,

The author Sibela Bala, born in Albania, completed her studies in Albania, then took her journey to immigrate for a better and more stable living income, but she never gave up literature. which I have a passion for since birth, where later even at school, dignity was extended in every parameter of time,,

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