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Poem - Narcissus & Jasmine Orchard, Poet- Abdallah Gasmi (Tunisia)


Narcissus & Jasmine Orchard
Abdallah Gasmi


Alone with the night, I embark a cloud of wild violet
My father, who rode the bronze horse of death, left me
For the cotton stones and snowy mountains
I crawl between crowds of hungry people
Like a weak mist, I encircle the roads and cry at night on my mother's chest
No wave in my hand
In my palm hand, a sad willow tree grew
Alone with the night, I embark a cloud of wild violet
O’ Bulbul that got drenched in the moonlight go and fly away

Out of my hands, a storm of orange suns blows
My eyes are two boats wandering in the ocean
My heart is a cold winter
I used to flow with the pain between the letters and walk to the sea
I walk and jasmine grows vigorously between my steps

The streets are crowded with lovers' sighs
O my beloved woman! Let me grow inside of you as a wild herb
Let me harvest the wheat from your breasts
When the winter comes, I used to take my words to the bar and get drunk from drinking pain
When I get back to my office, the letters used to whip me  
And the words turned into gallows and the odes into orchards of slat
When the spring comes, I used to accompany my pen to the old cottages 
And get drunk from drinking pain
When I go back home, the odes used to whip me because I took off my virgin dress
When summer comes, I used to look for an orphaned rain between my beloved’s breasts   
When autumn comes, the blood becomes yellow between my lips
And the shadow of a God inside me rises so that I may to be sweeter than sugar

My body is a cold lake and my soul trembles like a bare willow tree
Uproot the rock out of my ribs!
Put your perfume in the swamp of memory!
Bathe in the cavities of heart and construct churches and then pray on the dream carpet as a nun
Play a wild tune
My eyes are two roses of pearls
My fingers are flocks of wild gazelles running between tragedies
My body is a forest of mist
Like a breeze scented with joy, light the walls of my realm  
Let millions of suns erupt from my stars and dance your favorite dance
So that the bare trees inside me may come to leaf

Biography of Abdallah Gasmi:
He was born in Beni Khalad, governorate of Nabeul, Tunisia, on 21 September 1967
The demise of his primary education at the Manzal  Bouzalfa and secondary Suleiman
And higher in the Faculty of Arts in Manouba, including obtaining a professorship in the Arabic language and literature and then a master and get a master's specialist in Islamic philosophy
He is a senior professor at the Tunisian secondary institutes
He holds many responsibilities in a number of associations
He was a member of the governing body of the Tunisian Writers Union in charge of branches and clubs and resigned in 2013
Secretary General of the General Union of Tunis Writers
Prsedent of the assiociation salon culurel creative vision
Holds the key to the Algerian city of Batna on the occasion of the fiftieth independence of Algeria
He was responsible for the general secretary of the Tunisian Writers Union branch in Nabeul before he resigned
Member of the Arab Internet Writers Union
He is the owner of the Tunisian newspaper Al Diar and is currently its editor
He is currently working on Mediterranean Radio Tunisia
Poetry Books:
  - Travel in language classes
Times of color and body
   Light ports
- Cities of grief
Narcissus and Jasmine Orchard
Arabic poet hallucinations
Tunisian Odyssey
- Has a critical book entitled "Rhetoric of the linguistic object"
One of the most prominent monetary studies published in the Arab periodicals
  The Rhetoric of the Visual Object "A Theoretical Approach to the Study of Visual Distribution in Modern Poetry"
- Expressive and psychological dimension of rhythm in modern poetry
- Tunisia a century of poetry: Chebbi is not an orphan and in the forest other trees
Towards reviewing the rhythmic theory of Arabic poetry
- In defense of modernity and prose poem
Readings for some books in Tunisian poetry
Published many intellectual articles in a number of newspapers and Arab sites in Tunisia and the Arab world of the most prominent articles
- How to cry the demise of my people
- And some other poetic manuscripts
His play entitled "Whirlpool" represented by the Algerian artist Sonia and directed by Iraqi director "Salam al-Sukr" and won many awards
His second play is "Pimp"
Prepared a global encyclopedia of poetry entitled "Jasmine collars and love"
He supervised many literary clubs and he supervised the poetry club of the Union of Tunisian Writers and the literary club of Suleiman.
He published many poems and literary articles in a number of Tunisian and Arab newspapers
He has hundreds of poems, texts and articles published on the Internet all over the world
Member of the most famous literary and cultural forums of Arab and international
- Some of his works were translated into several foreign languages such as Romanian and English
Honored by the number of cultural and national events, the most important of which was awarded to the key to the city of Batna, capital of the Aures in Algeria

He prepared a number of international ontologies of poetry, including:
Jasmine and Love Collars (Published)
Antology of Tunisian Poetry and Serbian Poetry (published)
Antology of Tunisian Poetry and Italian Poetry (published)
Antology of Tunisian Poetry and Greek Poetry (in press)
The Anthology of Tunisian Poetry and the Poetry of Montenegro (pending publication)
The Anthology of European Poets (pending publication)
Anthology of African poetry and European poetry (pending publication)
Poets of the Balkans (pending publication)

Translated into Arabic and French by thousands of poems on its website specialized in international poetry:
He won many international awards in Jordan, Algeria, Serbia, Greece and Italy
Honored in a number of countries
He is a human rights activist, and he is a member of the executive office of an international human rights observatory
A list of some of my books
Travel in language classes: Tunisia 2004
Times of color and body: Tunisia 2005
Ports of Light: Tunisia 2008
Cities of grief: Tunisia 2010
The hallucinations of an Arab poet: Tunisia 2012
The play "The Whirlpool": Tunisia 2013
The Garden of Narcissus and Jasmine (4 collections of poetry): Aston House 2014
The Kadra novel: Tunisia 2016
Tunisian Odyssey: 2017
Clusters of dream, love and pain: 2019
More dream, less pain: 2020
Rhetoric of the Linguistic Object: 2019
Bouquets of roses and jasmine: (Arabic and Serbian): 2019
On the same sea: (Arabic and Italian): 2019
The Tunisian Greek Odyssey: (Arabic and Greek) 2020
In the desert rose fires (Serbian) 2021
European women poets: (published on Amazon and Candle): 2019
Harbor of love 1: (Published on Amazon and Candle) 2020
Harbor of love 2: (Published on Amazon and Candle) 2021
Rhythms of Samba and Malouf: (a joint book with the Brazilian poet Machado in Arabic and Portuguese) 2021
Jasmine and love collars: Tunisia 2019
A travel in all language classes (poetry anthology in 8 languages): (Amazon and Candle) 2021
The light of love and pain (an anthology of poetry in the Serbian language): Serbia 2021
The Garden of Narcissus and Jasmine (4 collections of poetry): published in English in European countries "2022
Love Gift: India 2021
My friends: Greece 2021
Tunisian Odyssey: Europe 2022 (in press, it will be distributed in 6 countries)
Candles of Hope: The Global Anthology of a Thousand Poets (10 Parts): 2021
100 roses for 100 friends: (Ready to be published on Amazon soon): 2022
Poets for Peace (published the first part on Amazon and Kandel) 2022
A poem with 50 tongues: (It is a poem of mine that has been translated in 56 languages and published in more than 40 periodicals around the world): ready for publication on Amazon and Candle 2022
Roses from the banks of the Danube 2021
The Epic of Gilgamesh the Tunisian: Coming soon to print
The hallucinations of a world poet: (poetry collection) ready for printing 2022
Jasmine scent: Croatia 2022
Towards a review of the rhythmic theory of Arabic poetry: (a critical book ready for printing) 2021
This is not all of my books, but there is a lot in common: as the book Women, which I co-authored with the Indian poet and doctor Murphy Roshan and published 6 parts of it
Of course, in addition to my participation in more than 76 poetic anthologies in most countries of the world, in addition to the books of global poetic elites, which exceeded 17 books

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