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Poems of Yousuf Aslan (Turkey)


Yusuf Aslan

I don't know who offended you, friend.
You got angry with everyone and left this place.
What words hurt and offended my friend?
You left from these beautiful hands, from this waist

Don't you know, this friend has become worse
Bloody tears shed and rosy faces faded
I neither found the friend nor he did.
What happened my friend, you suddenly left

For the sake of Moses, from the mountains of Sinai
For the sake of Jesus, friend from the land of Jerusalem
For the sake of that Joshua, a Prophet
Did you get angry with me and left me?

Well, if you hear my begging and pleading,
If you love our prophet Muhammad,
O beautiful friend, if you ask about this city
These people are waiting for you, why did you leave?

Come, my dear, to Yusuf Aslan.
For the sake of those who say Allah is true, Muhammad
Mevlana burns by saying "Friend Shams"
Bire Åžems, you are gone from my life

As I shed bloody tears, I couldn't see
It's like you became a bird and left this place

Yousuf Aslan

After I don't see your rose face,
Consider what happens if I see this world
Nothing beautiful would be possible without you, bahtiyar
Gülüm, if I ask the forty beauty, what will happen?

I wandered around to find you
I made my friend happy and tired my enemy
Count your smiling face, I asked everyone
If I ask those who don't know, what will happen?

My rose for you, count it as if I haven't met you yet
Neither the sun nor the moon rises above us
Even if all the houris had the main share
What would happen if I entered this heaven without you?

Dear God, don't put me in sin
Evening and morning, my coy rose is on my mind
If it weren't for you, my half would be a lie in the world
What would happen if I died for you?

Kul Yusuf says he set a thousand and one traps
Not one, not five, he shot me in the back
The bitch, cruel fate gets tired more and more
I - what happens if I hit this place?

After I sacrificed my life
What will happen if I say "I'm good" and burn with pomegranates?

Yusuf Aslan

All the poor need, my friends
It's just a waste of the rich
Your jokey heads that turn up their noses
It is a hidden mirror in the eyes of the nation

They said be patient, be persistent, be thankful
Thank God it didn't fill us up.
The poor who know what hunger and satiety are
Fill your stomach with dry bread

The horse also comes when his empty bag is full
When you find barley and straw zavars
When you belittle a stranger
The room is open to innocent hearts

If you had a lot of wealth, you wouldn't boast
Do not rejoice in the presence of the poor
Don't trust hands as friends
Don't think that hands are good for each other

Look at the absence and every suffering
The crew at home waits for a loaf of bread
How many times have I written about what is alive?
Every poem of Can Yusuf is a statement

If we have a right, we
The court for this is the Supreme Court.

Yusuf Aslan

Human beings consist of five parts
The first in line are the holy ones brother
I don't know which ones will do miracles.
The coast comes after you, brother.

There are some people who are nekes bahiller
Shahis are generous to the whole world
As if they are enemies of humanity
These are the data available, brother.

If you ask for Kerim's, he won't eat it and will give it to you.
Whatever he promises, he keeps his word.
Gavur Muslim knows human value
They love Kerem sahib, brother.

Bahil's eyes do not see the world
He never builds dilapidated walls
He eats it himself and doesn't give it to anyone.
They also praise themselves, brother.

These beach people don't let you eat
Leims don't even let anyone give
Shahis do not cause poverty to the servants
They love all humanity, brother

My servant Yusuf is full of heart and soul
They only see people, brother.

Yusuf Aslan
Against a lowly spoken word
Don't you dare reply.
They learned the course of spite
Don't let me see those dirty faces

The man knows and embraces
Believe me, saying "it's not worth it, sir"
Knowing that every servant you see is a servant
Don't say let me lay a bed for the couple, the couple

Death is both far and near
Come on, my dear, put some weight on
Don't envy the rich, don't.
Don't dream and build a palace

Weaving crowns from a bunch of roses
Standing with dignity next to the beauties
Driving black from this bright head of yours
Don't see your white face and say 'I'll turn black'

Clean water does not flow into dirty water
What do people with bad spirits not do?
A good word cannot come from a hypocrite
Don't try to shoot Yusuf with just one word.

Yes, my dear friend, think carefully.
Don't bother to offend a Garip Mirto

Who is the writer Yusuf Aslan?
Translator, writer and poet Yusuf Aslan was born in 1954 in the village of Malatya (Fethiye).
He moved to Adana at a very young age.
After retirement, he wrote more than 3000 poems, anecdotes and articles!
"Strange Mirto",
"Lights of Fethiye",
"The Destiny of Elif Kız",
"one hundred. Blessed Are You, Heydar Aliyev” This book was printed and published by the Heydar Aliyev foundation in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
He is the author of his books and also his famous novel "Karayılan".
On October 30, 2020, he became the winner of the National Literary Award "Golden Pen of Russia", the highest international award in Russia.
This incident happened for the first time in Turkey.
Yusuf Aslan received a literary badge made of pure gold with his magnificent novel "Karayılan".
Yusuf Aslan also popularized world literature by translating the poems of foreign writers into Turkish.
He received German diplomas.
From the UNESCO World Union of Writers, M. V. Shakespeare diploma from the city of Munich and a personal letter of thanks from the Russian-speaking poet Gennady Dick from the village of Gutersloh. The military-historical novel "The Balkans" by the writer Svetlana Savitskaya was very quickly translated into Turkish by her, and the literary level of this magnificent work was duly noted by the State Writers' Union of the Russian Federation.
N.F. Ivanov, president of the Russian Writers' Union, personally presented the writer-translator Yusuf Aslan with the Literature Prize named after M.A. at the Central House of Writers in Moscow.
Sholokhov, supported by the medal “For significant achievements in creativity. M.A. Sholokhov ". Director of the project Kh. Gayubov (Tajikistan) and translator-translator G. Sharipova (Uzbekistan) also worked on the translation of the novel "The Balkans".
The entire project team, including the author of the novel, became the winners of the Central Asian Competition "Best Book of 2021" and was selected as the book of the year.
Four representatives of Russia, Turkey, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan were joined by the President of the Union of Central Asian Writers and Historians "Yangi Ovoz" Zh.A. "Turan Birimdigi" medals were personally presented by him. Monoldorov (Kyrgyzstan).
The poet Yusuf Aslan was translated into Russian for the victory in the competition in 2021 in honor of the 580th anniversary of the Turkish-speaking polymath Alisher Navoi.
His magnificent poems and translations, along with 30 other laureates from 30 different countries of the world, were included in the "Golden Book of Central Asia" with the Order awarded to them.
Book prepared in the name of A. Navoi.
He was awarded the Diploma "Beauty of Russian Literature".
With the participation of the famous Russian writer and Star - Svetlana Savitskaya and the President of Russia, Members of the Government of Russia, Deputies of the State Duma and Members of the Council of the Russian Federation, Members of the People's Chamber, Public Organizations and other officials (“YUSUF ASLAN. Author of many books. SP and I Yangi Ovoz The well-deserved translator of , Turkey. G. Adana) was deemed worthy by the Jury for the "Labor Valor of Russia" and the grand prize, which is a very prestigious sign of Russia.

2022. Alexander Nevsky Prize was awarded for the spread of the Russian language on the planet
He was awarded the Turkish Union Medal for Ataturk's poem and Svetlana Savitskaya's book Say the Name of God

Translated books!
Russia, Svetlana Savitskaya 1. Balkans. 2. Say the name of God!
And say the name of God Part 3
Azerbaijan Foundation Aslan 1. Conversation with Spirits.
2. Emotions in Shusha. 3. Godsend.
Tahir Amirarslanov 1st (Stuffed Dish)
Nigar Hasanzadeh 1st poetry book
Halide Nuray. 1. Poetry book
Abbasgulu Necefzade - Azerbaijan.1. Music history.
Chingiz Aymatov - Kyrgyzstan. 1. Epic of Manas.
Heinrich Dick 1. Book of fairy tales
1 Karabakh Azerbaijan book by Alimuhtar Muhtarov
Elmira ASLANHANLI - 1st poetry book

Kyrgyz - Begizhan Ahmedov -1. The Wandering Traveler book

Due to his services to Culture and Art, he was accepted to be among the World (universal) poets and writers upon recommendation in 2021.
Yusuf Aslan, the translator of this book of parables, has a daughter, two sons and grandchildren, a daughter and two boys! He continues his studies and lives in Adana, Turkey…

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