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Poem - I am modest, Poetess - Dervisa Grabus Colakovic (USA)


I am modest

Dervisa Grabus Colakovic

 Be my spring at the end of a desolate winter,

 when everything freezes inside me.

 Shine the spring sun on me,

 don't let me get cold from the cold winter.

 Be my spring-scented flowers,

 be the hyacinth blue and my daffodil yellow.

 A white falcon circling the blue sky,

 a songbird that never hears.

 I'll be your little bee,

 which does not rest every day in summer.

 To land on your flower petals,

 to collect pollen from your bosom.

 Spring is dearest to me,

 and that's why I'll make you my own.

 I always feel the best in it,

 I never want to lose you again.

 I will be related to you like a nightingale in a nest,

 I am your modest blue violet.

 I will decorate your fields and smell syrit,

 you won't recognize what a dream is, what a dream is.


 DerviÅ¡a Grabus ÄŒolaković was born in 1957 in Travnik - Bosnia and Herzegovina.

 She lives and work in Washington USA.

 To live in the world of reality is to know your soul. Her soul speaks all the languages of the world. Poetry is the voice of my soul and that is love. She is fulfilled in life and realized by my family. Happiness is greater when I breathe letters that embrace the whole world.

 Member of the World Literary Academy, winner of the Golden Certificate, author in the Encyclopedia of the best world poets. The first book was filled with desire and letters that seek to shine the existence of this second book of mine. The third and fourth books have seen the world, which she is proud of. To embrace the world with love is precisely to write and create. Participant in several anthologies and collections. It is a great honor for me to participate in several magazines.

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