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Gabriella Picerno is a psychologist, pedagogist, sexology counselor, expert in Child Drawing and Learning Psychology. She is the manager of Educational Study Centre “The Speaking Cricket” in Rufina (Florence). She has been involved for ages in projects of training and workshops in parenthood training, as well as emotions and sexuality.

Her  expertise stretches over areas such as teachers’ training, underachievement in school linked to anxiety disorders, learning and emotional special needs. She is passionate about painting, photography and writing. It has been a while since she started writing poems and short stories. She has published psychology and pedagogy essays, awarded both nationally and internationally. Her lyrical compositions have earned her important acknowledgments and she has won some literary prizes both in her own country and abroad. Her works have been included in numerous poetry anthologies. Among her publications we remember: Separated Parents, Divided Children (with Evelina Fazzi; Del Cerro, 1996); The Words of Education (with Susanna Berretti, Town of Rufina, 2006): Two Parents Two Houses (with Evelina Fazzi, La Rondine, 2013), Easier Said Than Done (La Rondine, 2013); Emotional Well Being in Adolescents (with Luana Collacchioni, Aracne, 2016); My Families and I (with Evelina Fazzi, edited by Pacini Fazzi, 2016). Bambini online, (2019), The Doll of Giada (with C. Desideri, 2020) Two parents, two houses new expanded edition (with E. Fazzi, 2021), Let it be (GD Edizioni, 2021), The olive season (with Andrea Morandi, 2021 GD Edizioni), Affective and Sexual Education Itineraries (7- 10 years), PAV Edizioni (2022); Affective and Sexual Education Itineraries (0-3 years), PAV Edizioni (2023), This is how I feel inside, Edizioni dell'Assemblea- Regione Toscana 2023.

For poetry: A touch of sky (2018), A touch of sky (2019), Un toque de cielo Ediciones Alborismos (2022), Whispers and tides (2022) GD Edizioni.

Co-director (together with Cristina Desideri) of the Children's Literature Series Il Filo di Arianna for GD Edizioni. Curator of the Literary Awards: La Botteguccia delle Favole and Lo Zaino Raccontastorie.


Your lips are looking for mine

Like the sea brushing the cliffs.

An intimate light touch

Surprises me

A jolt of love shakes me

I stand up like a hat in the wind.

My eyes plunged in the horizon of light

Of your pupils

Make me reach the edge of life.

In the quiet moment,


Borders get lost

Vanishing like butterflies Inbetween sky and sea.

Everything is us.

Whispering lips,

Strong pulses

Overcome every frontier,

They tie us like ropes

Rhe strong warmth cradles us arm In arm

Lip in lip.

Looking at each others and Smelling only

Clean, neat fragrances

That come from far away

Beyond every border.

Prepared Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter

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