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Poem - Crossing Over in Red, Poetess - Dr. Arch. Framca Colozo (Italy)


Crossing Over in Red

Dr. Arch. Framca Colozo (Italy)

When I die, dress me in red

To celebrate the joy of my crossing over.

Jasmine flowers in my long hair

To meet woodland and sea nymphs.

Give me a rosary in hand as a prayer

To God so that He may forgive my sins.

 In the afterlife, we are all equal and brothers,

Men here struggling in grotesque battalions

Of puppet warriors in rows of demons.

When Atropos cuts the thread of life

Let eternal youth smile upon me.

Scatter incense on my bare feet.

I will encounter galaxies in vivid colors,

Touch Selene in a flash of light

And carry a ray of sunshine with me.

When I die, do not weep, I beg you,

Let my dress be of a cheerful color

A spark of life lit in the darkness.


Abou the Poetess:

Dr. Arch. Framca Colozo (ITALY) is a member of UIA - Union of International Architects, poet, novelist, retired teacher of Art History, multilingual author and translator of poems, an UN SDGs, an UN DESA, a GGAF (US), a WEF, a Peace Ambassador on board of the UK (GPLT), a freelancer on international newspaper and literary magazines, member of the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY of ETHICS. She was awarded several times for peace and poetry at the international levels, She received 4 Honorary Ph.Ds. and was nominated an Executive Director of the International Association RRM3-RINASCIMENTO RENAISSANCE – Millennium III.

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