Wednesday 3 July 2024

Poem - Yesterday's Encounter, Poet - Hassane Yarti (Morocco)


Yesterday's Encounter

Hassane Yarti 

Yesterday's encounter...

Its lifespan was kisses, and the words were whispers,

It did not conclude until the sun rose.

Can yesterday return to me?

Yesterday's encounter...

All five senses took part,

It was all joy, like a wedding day.

Can I sell my tomorrow for yesterday?

Yesterday's encounter...

Merged water and embers in the same glass,

It melted souls, my spirit made its offering.

Can today become yesterday?

An encounter whose light was a candle,

Like a festive gathering,

An encounter of love,

An encounter of touch.

Can I die, and let yesterday live?


Hassane Yarti is a Moroccan writer based in Barcelona, Spain. 

Member: Arab Writers Union, Arab Elite Poetry and Literature Union.

President of Al-Nibras Culture and Art Association and founder of "Barcelona Literary Magazine". 

Has Publications in various Magazines in: USA, London, Belgium, Kosovo, Albania, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Morocco, Egypt, Iraq, etc. 

Hassane has published several books.

Some of his works have been translated into English, French, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Chines

, Bangali, Albanian and Turkish.

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