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Poem - Love Is Peace, Poetess - Elza Hansen (Romania)


Love Is Peace

Elza Hansen

"When all will perish, in the end love will remain"

It is written in the holy book, La Fontaine also wrote when he was telling the story

about strength between wind and sun

When they tried to measure their force...

The wind, of its kind, a bit noisy

He found a man az reason pointing:

- Let's see, he said said to the peaceful sun,

which of us make this man, set out for a walk,

to be angry and throw off his cloak!

The sun didn't comment, just smiled mysteriously

The wind believed in itself, the harder it blew

The man wobbles on his feet,

but he drew his cloak tighter and tighter around his body

His heart was beating on the edge of the chasm in the spirit's throat

When the time of the sun also arrived

He did nothing but just shine

The man took off his cloak and calmed down

He continued on his way feeling happy...

Competition is good, but it depends on the goal

to the one who uses it

Love has only one purpose, to love

It is peaceful and wisely rules

It does not need power for itself

It is honest and loyal in doing good

It is proven precisely when it has been shared with others

Strength comes from what you have guarded in life

If you created wars, what do you have to prove?

Love is the ultimate noun

There is eternity in love, in the superlative degree of excellence

In love there is no fear, the sun shares its light of peace with others

When it's all over, love will remain in the end

About the Poetess:

Elza Hansen, bornn in 1965 in Romania, live in Denmark from 1992. She was taking pedagogical education and in 2000 and studied at the Institute of Medico-Social Assistance. Elza served as a medico-social nurse in the primary health sector. She specialized in psychiatry. Concurrently, she pursued university courses at Aarhus Universityintheology and philosophy. Elza's literary journey is marked by collaborations with national, Romanian, and international literary groups. She has receivedabout

100 diplomas and literary prizes. Her literary contributions includetwo poems published in the literary magazine Etr Al-asalaa in Libyain 2023-2022, and one prose and six poems published in the literature, culture, and art magazine "Extemporal Liric". She is a permanent

writer for the LED Force Poetica poetry magazine. In 2023, Elza made her literary debut with the electronic multimediabook "The Future Protests", published by LEDForce PublishingHouse in Iasi, Romania. She is Administrator and Literary Ambasador for the literary group ”How to write for succes Literary” and operator for the l

iterary group ”The dream of Equality”

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