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Poem - Embracing the Unseen, Poet - Marlon Salem Gruezo-Bondroff Philippines-USA


Embracing the Unseen

Marlon Salem Gruezo-Bondroff 


In moon-kissed nights, I wove my dreams, 

Threads of hope spun from stardust streams. 

Yet life’s loom played tricks, threads frayed, 

Dreams unraveled, hopes betrayed.

A painter’s palette, colors bright, 

I dreamed of skies ablaze with light. 

But canvas cracked, my brush grew still, 

Unmet hues whispered, “Find new thrill.”

I yearned for sails on boundless seas, 

To chase horizons, feel the breeze. 

Yet storms veiled stars, maps torn apart, 

Unfulfilled compass, a change of heart.

Words danced within, ink poised to flow, 

A poet’s soul seeking depths below. 

But silence echoed, pages blank, 

Unmet rhymes whispered, “Create anew.”

Wings clipped, I gazed at skies denied, 

Dreams aloft, like sparrows in flight. 

Yet acceptance bloomed, a gentle grace,

Unmet dreams cradled, finding their place.

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