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Poem - Beautiful Struggles, Poet - Marlon Salem Gruezo-Bondroff (Philippines-USA)


Beautiful Struggles

Marlon Salem Gruezo-Bondroff


In the crucible of existence, we forge our souls,

Anvils of adversity shaping us whole.

Life's chisel carves our edges, sharp and keen,

As we dance with shadows, unseen.

The sun kisses our scars, a mosaic of pain,

Each fracture a testament to battles fought in vain.

Yet, behold the beauty in our fractured hearts,

For strength blooms from shattered parts.

Storms rage, winds howl, and tides pull us under,

But we rise, phoenix-like, from the thunder.

Embrace the tempest, let it cleanse your core,

For resilience blooms in life's relentless war.

So let us honor the struggle, the ache, the strife,

For within those depths, we discover life.

In the crucible of existence, we find our grace,

Beautiful struggles etching lines on our face.

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