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Poems of Martin M. Estanislao (Republic Of The Philippines)


The Alphabet Of Love
Martin M. Estanislao
Republic Of The Philippines

Aren't we glad;
Because of love;
Companionship is always alive!;:

Didn't we glow;
Existence of affection;
Friendship is always in circulation!;:

Gay will soon regret;
Hoping for goodness;
In life determined for changes!;:

Joy will soon beget;
Keeping for contentedness;
Life regained for charges!;:

Memory of grief;
Nothing to disappoint about;
Once moment that meant to doubt!;:

Prodigy is brief;
Questioning to disburse about;
Romance that meant to last!;:

Sail to the sea of love;
Take trip to the fantasy land;
Upon the cloudy sky we may find our-selves over the rainbow!;:

Vale to the sea of love;
Wake-up from the fantasy land;
Xeno from the cloudy sky through the rainbow we need to say good-bye!;:

Years gone-by wishing for someone to hear and;
Zest is what I feel for someone who'll share "The Alphabet Of Love" to anyone!!!;;;:::

"Parnassus" by: "Pop-Corn(Sekretaryo)"

I Love You,The Formula Of Love
Martin M. Estanislao
Republic Of The Philippines

So many times I've tried my Dear;
To simplify the way I feel;
I wonder if what word would mean;
The whole of what I want to tell!;

I've tried Physics and Mathematics;
To calculate this classy thoughts;
I've tried Statistic and Arithmetic;
But the unknown is increased by "1"!;

I've tried Addition and Subtraction;
To locate this choosy thoughts;
I've tried Division and Multiplication;
But the unknown is decreased by "4"!;

I've tried Trigonometry and Geometry;
To reach its boundary;
I've tried everything and anything;
But the unknown is reduced by "3"!;

So what I used is Chemistry;
To solve all its formulas;
And with the aid of Algebra;
I've got the solution "1-4-3"...!!!;;;

           "Parnassus" by: "Pop-Corn(Sekretaryo)"

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