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Poem - Peace shall be prevailed, Nasser Alshaikhahmed (Saudi Arabia)


Peace shall be prevailed 

Nasser Alshaikhahmed

The course of perfect accord can be proved

Even with twists and turns, like a winding grooved

Wars keep interfering, killing us with rockets,

driving us to question if repose is just brackets. 

No reconciliation can be achieved and true,

If there were no obstacles and bumps to get through,

testing our patience, our strength, and our will,

making us wonder if we ever have the skill.

But through the hardships and the strife,

We will learn to cherish truce in our life,

To hold on to and never let go,

To weather the storms and the ebb and flow.

For nothing worth having comes easy,

All things in time are hard and queasy,

But with concord as our guiding light,

This world would be sunny and bright.

So let us embrace the harmony path,

And all the bounties that it hath,

For in the end, our freedom will shine

And we'll know that life would be fine,

Short Biography. 

NASSER ALSHAIKHAHMED is a Sadi Arabian bilingual poet and writer, he writes poetry and short story in Arabic and English. He went to school at Sonoma State University in California, USA. Although his field of study is far from literature but his soul is immersed in poetry and writing. He is a member of All Poetry.com, Soul Asylum Poetry Radio, New York-USA, Poetry Anthologies, Voracious Polyglots-USA, The Quilled ink South Africa, Wheel song Poetry- UK, 

Online Magazines 

1-Polis Magazino- Greece 

2-ILA Magazine- USA

3- Grupo de trabajo de escritores "Juntos por las letras" -ARGANTINA

3- www.youtube.com/c/Uddan Television

.He has translated from English to Arabic  several poetries work for poets from USA, Japan and Australia and published his translation in local journals.He has published one poetry book in Arabic( العرافةara’fa) in 2013 by ( Arabian house for science and publishing). He has won the second prize  "Zheng Nian Cup" China Literally Award! 2023. He has published one English  

He was awarded on 14-10-2023 by the L.A. Seneca International Academic Literary Award , the Italian Academy of Philosophical Arts and Sciences, Bari- Italy.

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