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Poem - Breathing, poetess - Elisa Mascia (Italy)



Elisa Mascia 


In the darkness of the night the aroma illuminates 

Love is breath of air impregnated 

Instant refreshment of the wandering soul

Of sweet duality every day sought.

Thought has persistent tuberous roots 

Of the embrace surrounding the brides 

Which the circular gaze resembles 

That crosses in the desired goal 

Of a meeting in mid-spring 

Of the natural cyclic green season 

Of age sum and multiply passion.

Of the two units reassembled is the whole 

Aroma of love is not only perception 

Forces and energies into action.


Biography ofElisa Mascia:

  She was born in Santa Croce di Magliano (Cb) in 1956, she lives in San Giuliano di Puglia (Cb). She is a teacher, poet, writer, declaimer, reviewer, juror at cultural events, cultural manager around the world.

  You have participated in numerous national and international poetry competitions, obtaining prizes, certificates of participation, merits and honorable mentions.

   In July 2019, the first collection of poems entitled "La Grattugia della Luna" was published with "L'Inedito Letterario".

  You participated in 8 editions of the Histonium Prize, from 2009 to 2019.

  In 2018 with the subsequent publication of the poetic anthology Magiche Emozioni dell'Anima presented as a Christmas gift.

  In 2019 with the anthology "Sogni Dipinti" of 10 unpublished poems inspired by 10 paintings by the great artist and poet Erminio Girardo who served as her teacher, marking a decisive turning point in her activity as a poet-writer.

 You edited the poetic translation into Italian of some of the poet's poems, published by NilavroNill Shoovro.

  Since May 2019 you have participated in the February 2020 interview and in many thematic anthologies, in over 60 issues of the monthly archive of OPA poets.

   You edited the poetic translation into Italian of the book of poems "Savage Wind" published in September 2019 by "L'Inedito" by the poet Asoke Kumar Mitra.

  Since February 2020 she has been a founding member of WikiPoesia.

  She is a citizen of the Republic of Poets and Dame of the Order of Dante Alighieri.

  She was co-host of the program En Alas del Fénix and collaborator of Radio Krysol Internazionale with video-declamations of her poems and those of other authors in Italian and Spanish.

  From February to September 2021 she is the creator, organizer and co-host of the "Sentieri di vita" program broadcast on Radio Krysol Internazionale.

  Since 2019: Voice at the Una Voce del cielo project - and member of the Teatro al Buio - with Pietro La Barbera and from October 2023 at the Co-hosting of the Italian-Spanish bilingual program "In search of true beauty" on Restream and YouTube with interviews to poets and writers.

   She is the author from San Giuliano di Puglia (Campobasso) Molise, of the online newspaper, of the director Pier Carlo Lava, today Alessandria Magazine with over 850 articles and Alessandria online.

 From mid-2023 collaboration with the poet Fabio Petrilli for the publication in Alessandria today of poets proposed by him

  She collaborates with the Nicaraguan journalist Carlos Javier Jarquin and the co-authors of Canto Planetario.

 Italy Coordinator - Director of Events and Communications, Administrator of Albap Accademia.

  Member of the Writers Capital Foundation International and Italian Coordinator of PILF: 2022-2023-2024 and PIAF 2022. - 2023, Director of the International Biennial of Hagiographic Iconography of the Writers Capital Foundation International 2023, Author, Artist, Cultural Promoter, Member of the Organizing Committee of International Literature Festivals Panorama, Publisher of www.writersedition.com "The complete magazine" - Italy

  She draws and paints from online lessons of the Argentine master ceramist, sculptor, plastic artist Miguel Angel Guiñazu.

 You received, from the "Pacis Nuntii" Movement Argentina, the Certificate and the Universal Flag of Peace which gives the wearer the character and spirit of Herald and Builder of Universal Peace.

 Her poems are included in issues 121 to 129 of the magazine Azahar by Jose Luis Rubio Zarzuela and special themed issues, pdf of 50 bilingual Italian-Spanish poems "La luna sublime" published.

  She is Lady of the Rainbow nominated by Professor Teresa Gentile.

 She has been nominated among the greatest poets in the world, for the Poetry categories: • Fiction • Dramaturgy


 He published the poetic anthology "La grattugia della luna ", "Savage Wind" (poetic translation of the book by Asoke Kumar Mitra), "Magiche Emozioni dell'Anima", "Sogni Dipinti", "Melodia d'amore " (2023), "Tra l'infinito e l'immenso" (February 2024) and "Interconnessione mentale " (March 2024)

 “La luna sublime“ bilingual Italian-Spanish (April 2024)

 “Sole rosso” (May 2024)

 "Le ali della libertà " (May 2024)

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