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My Poem, Poet - Zezabek Marhmark (Philippines)

My Poem
Zezabek Marhmark

My name I bring with me,
Whenever I go I will not worry,
Just enjoy nature's beauty,
And every culture, tradition and
Artifacts I will study ,which I
encounter during my journey.

It's always my behavior
Searching things that will lead to  our culture
Like having fun studying literature
Just to  satisfy my eagerness of seeing
Rare thing on the  way of my   journey then.
Cause I believe life is short so we should live healthy.

Copyright ©️ Reserved Zezabek Marhmark

Zezabek MarhMark is a poet from the land of many Island -Philippines. She worked as a  data encoder in a big company,
she resigned for  some important reason.
Since high school she loves writing poem,
She knows it will bring her to know different cultures and traditions. Now she fucoses on fb forming a group, staying alone away
from friends and family.She loves to travel
and to look for artifacts, that will lead her
to know different cultures and traditions
of the country where she goes and visits.

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