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ARTICLE - QUALITIES OF A GREAT LEADER , Author - H.E. KRMB Prof. Dr. Philip Oyani PhilSpirit (Osemudiamhe)


H.E. KRMB Prof. Dr. Philip Oyani PhilSpirit (Osemudiamhe)

In a world where almost everyone wants to lead, only those with good hearts, understanding, and well defined principles lead aright and are able to establish what will be of generational impact.

It is important to understand that occupying a position is not what makes you a leader, but what you do with the position you occupy.

Several persons have pushed themselves into occupying several exalted positions in the society, but ended up destroying the lives of those they fought their ways to lead. In fact, many of such persons killed and engaged in all manner of hateful and defaming speeches just so they could occupy some exalted positions. We see this in almost all the countries of the world, especially during elections.

For some, simply because they want to gain access into the heart of a person in a position of authority, they are very good at backlashing another fellow so they can appear good for whatsoever position they seek.

Was that how we were created to be? Certainly not. ♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️

Mankind was created by the Holy Spirit, who was manifested in Christ Jesus, with the intention of we complementing one another in the mission of replenishing the earth. But in the advent of politics and religions, so called, humanity drifted far away from the principle of complementing one another for God's glory to be revealed on earth.

The world was created to be run on the principle of inclusive governance, not by a caucus with corrupt minds, who are only after power and as such can go to any length at defaming a fellow human so as to be crowned.

We have very few leaders in the world today even though there are countless number of persons occupying several positions in the society: from that of being a president and to the least position you can think of in the society, both of religious and political positions.

We were all sent to contribute our quarter to the development of the world for the next generation not to destroy it the more with some selfish interests.

I do ask this question always, which only very few persons answer with sincerity, which is,

If money and fame were removed from that position, would you still aspire to occupy such a position simply for the aim of making a positive impact?

This is a question that most presidents and leaders in the nations of the world fail to answer, as the majority of world leaders are most times moved by the fame and financial attachments of certain positions in the society.

For the world to be a better place, we must all learn to take ourselves out of the picture while we seek how we can better make an impact with our potentials.

This was what our eternal Father wanted us to understand when He gave Himself up in Jesus through the cross so we could master how to give ourselves for the good of all.

(To be continued in another series)

© H.E. KRMB Prof. Dr. Philip Oyani PhilSpirit (Osemudiamhe)

CCI, Ed.D., D.Hum., Th.D., D.Litt., D.Div.

Pioneering President of the Federation of The Sovereign Online State 

(the borderless and boundaryless federation)

Founder/Chancellor, English Master Institute

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