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Article - Our Oneness With God, Author - Dr. Philip Oyani Phil Spirit (Nigeria)



(The Principle Of Faith)

Dr. Philip Oyani Phil Spirit

(The only key to global unity)

As humans keep striving to maintain peace, live in unity, as well as maintain economic stability, either as individuals or as a nation, one thing which keeps hindering the speed at which such vision is actualised is the fact that the majority of people on earth lack the awareness of their true identity and of the oneness of humanity with the power that brought the world into being, and as such they live less of whom they were meant to be, or worse off, some persons demoralize fellow humans with the view of that being the best way to attain a revered status in the society. This is the root of all forms of discriminations, including racism.

The royalty of all humanity cannot be overemphasized, as we all came from one Holy and Eternal Father, who is adorned in glory, and as such He made us in His image, after His likeness: but the misconceptions had by some persons who had lived before now led to the establishment of various views that brought about racial discrimination, political oppressions, rituals and worship systems that dehumanize the authority we all have over creation.

As stated, we all possess the fullness of our heavenly Father, and are all given equal power to dominate and replenish (bring completeness to) the earth; which means we were never created to feel superior to another, but to complement each other with our innovative ideas.

Understanding the depth of this knowledge gives us a better perspective about humanity and a better approach towards maintaining the principle of inclusive and collaborative governance in every territory on earth. With this, we get to understand that no nation or territory is better than the other, and no individual or group of persons are better than the other; for we have all been endowed with our unique potentials to create a heavenly world on earth as against the wrong religious beliefs that made so many individuals to lose interest in many activities that would have been of great benefits to humanity.


H.E. KRMB Prof. Dr. Philip Oyani PhilSpirit (Osemudiamhe) is a Nigerian by birth and an Honorary Prince of Javanese Nobility, Indonesia.

He is a passionate lover of the peace and growth of humanity with an exceptional leadership quality. His incomparable leadership quality led to the movement that metamorphosed into the federation of The Sovereign Online State (the borderless and boundaryless federation). The Sovereign Online State is a federation consisting of citizenry from different geographically located nations who have taken advantage of the online community to build a strong bond that is beyond all forms of geographical, religious, ethnic, and political divides, upholding the principle of inclusive governance in the global community.

The Federal Government of The Sovereign Online State is the home of the world's number one incorporation body, known as OCertiVa Global Incorporation Council. The council legalizes institutions, associations, NGOs, and international bodies that intend to operate across borders. The Sovereign Online State is equal the central government of the famous Online Certificate Verification Association (OCertiVa), a body committed to maintaining the integrity of online institutions and the general online community.

H.E. KRMB Prof. Dr. Philip is an award winning writer and an academician with numerous doctorate degrees in multidisciplinary fields of study, both of professional doctorates and honorifics in English language, Leadership, Education Management, Theology, Divinity, Ministry, Human Rights Consultancy etc.

His creative mind has birthed numerous books and articles on faith, self-awareness, leadership, relationship, vision and purpose driven life, etc.

Dr. Philip is a Self-awareness Expert, Relationship Counsellor, a Certified Leadership Coach, a Certified International Human Rights Advisor/Consultant, an English and professional writing professor, who is judged by many as an erudite academician who has so many academic organizations to his credit. He is the founder of the famous English Master Institute, the first autonomous purely online institution incorporated globally under OCertiVa Global Incorporation Council, having the largest number of affiliated English, professional writing, and leadership training academies and with several international representatives. EMI is registered as a partner of the United Nations in the UN Partner Portal; registered as an authorized supplier in the UN Global Marketplace; registered with the European Commission and enlisted in European Commission Participant Register; registered at the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), registered as an Approved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Provider by The CPD Group, London, United Kingdom; registered as a member of the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA). EMI has several international accreditations which all serve as symbols of her credibility.

Dr. Philip is also the founder of Mysteries Unveilers, Mysteries Unveilers School of Advanced Divinity; the pioneer of Intercessors Prayer Network (IPNetwork). He is appointed as chairman, director, Chancellor, as well as vice-chancellors of several international organizations and institutions.

You can visit his Facebook page to read more about him: @Philip Oyani PhilSpirit.

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