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Poem - In the timeline.

Poem - In the timeline.

Fernanda Matos


 All Light comes from above.

 Who is at rock bottom,

Feel hungry and want living water to drink...

 However, to our delight,

 There is a wonderful name.

  Save us God, Almighty Father.

 Fasting is not hunger to eat.

 It is liberation through Faith.

Stand tall fighting evil.

Misadventures overcome to continue living.

 We are living and sacred beings.

 May the Lord of Time and Life,

 Accept our eternal devotion.

 Everything is gratitude through our actions.

  Emotions experienced over time.

  Integrality between the material and the spiritual.

The Sacred has made us blessed in thought.

Universe of Light that leads us to salvation.

 May our descendants be blessed!

Maintain Faith and actions, as integral food.

 A life renewed by the Supreme Creator.

 Preserve the New Time of great achievements.

 © Fernanda Matos

   Poet from Pernambuco.

   Dr. h.c. in Art and Poetry

   Dr. h.c. in Social Communication.



 Fernando Matos lives in Recife/PE, Public Relations, Nurse with a postgraduate degree in Obstetric Nursing. Doctor Honoris Causa in Art and Poetry, Title Received by the Sarmathian Center for Higher Philosophical and Historical Studies (Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Augustíssima and Sovereign Royal and Imperial House of the Goths of East); Ambassador of Peace, Cultural Delegate and Commander of Justice of Peace by the OMDDH (World Organization of Human Rights Defenders). A native of the arts, he is an actor, writer/Poet, member of UBE/PE (Brazilian Union of Writers); International Academy of Poets and Nursing Writers – Academia IPÊ; World Academy of Culture and Literature (AMCL); Academy of Letters Society of Virtual Poets ALSPV- Aldravia; Brazilian Society of Aldravian Poets; Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters of Brazil (ACILBRAS); Virtual Academy of Portuguese Language Poets (AVPLP). His first literary work was the book entitled “Eu, A Natureza e a Vida” in 1989; He participated in several International and National Anthologies, such as: “Clothesline of Brazil – The Dark Side of Being” in Geneva; Solar de Poetas, in Portugal; “Poetry on the Camões Route” in Portugal; VII Cultivate Anthology “The Ephemerality of Life”, Geneva; “Nursing with Poetry” volumes I and II; “Um Sonho de Todos” volumes I, II and III; “Epifania” from the Independent Academy of Letters to AIL; “Contemporary Poems” by EHS Edições; among others. He received several honorable mentions, including: Meeting of Poets of the Portuguese Language in Olinda / PE, in 2018; Juror at the 1st Festival. Anniversary of the ALSPV Academia de Letras Sociedade dos Poetas Virtuales in 2019; Pernambuco Reference Diploma to the Best Professionals in the State of Pernambuco/2019 by the Associação Ressureição Alimentando Vidas; Social Highlight 2019 in the context of the Society of Recife/PE, Cultural Highlight 2019 in recognition of academic training and relevant services provided as Cultural Promoter and Ruy Barbosa International Medal (Commendation) “The Eagle of The Hague” by the OMDDH (World Organization of Defenders of Human rights); “Gold Quality Academic Laureate Commendation 2019” by the Brazilian Federation of Academics of Sciences, Letters and Arts – FEBACLA; “Northeast Highlight Award” for the best professionals in the Northeast by the Associação Ressureição Alimentando Vidas; “Homage to Writer’s Day” granted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Pernambuco – Deputy Wanderson Florêncio (10/22/2019); Honorable Mention Highlight Pernambuco Society by Confraria do Colibri (12/19/2019). Doctor Honoris Causa in Art and Poetry, Title Received by the Sarmathian Center for Higher Philosophical and Historical Studies (Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Augustíssima and Sovereign Royal and Imperial House of the East Goths) on March 27, 2020. Paladin of Brazilian Literature Medal decoration received by FEBACLA – Brazilian Federation of Academics of Sciences, Letters and Arts on 03/27/2020. Pernambuco Reference Diploma to the Best Professionals in the State of Pernambuco/2020 by the Ressureição Alimentando Vidas Association in May/2020.

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