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Poem - I Walk on Dead Letters, Poetess - Sanaz Davoodzadehfar (Iran)


Biography of Sanaz Davoodzadehfar:
Sanaz Davoodzadehfar is an Iranian poetess who was born in Iran and lives in Iuxembourg now. She began her artistic career with the theater and played and worked in many plays And won many awards in this field she worked on storytelling and storytelling for children and began to learn from the Traditional Iranian Song and she is a student of pari maleki and mojtaba asgari ,the great musicians of traditional music in Iran.
She began writing poetry in classical forms and her poems were published in the most important Iranian journals and newspapers and sites like: roudaki,zane emeooz,piadehro,neveshta,...
Many of her poems were translated into other languages ​​such as English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Kurdish.
Her first collection “ I walk on dead letters” was translated into Arabic and published in Tamoz publishing in Syria and It is the first collection of poetry translated into Arabic from a poet of Iranian women after Forough Farrokhzad Who had a very successful presence in the most important exhibitions of the Arabic book, such as Beirut, Cairo, Muscat, Baghdad ...
Most of her poems were published in the most important Arabic newspapers and websites, such as Al-Ahram, Al-Dustour, Al-Adab,Al-Hayat and ...
Many critical critics of Arab wrote positive reviews of her collection in newspapers, magazines and critique books.
_she has participated in many Arabic and global festivals and poetry such as Iraq, Oman, Tunisia, Romania ....
a Poetry collection containing poems by three female poets from Iran in published in Czechoslovakia with Radek Hassliki and sanaz was one of them.
-Her poetry collection was translated and published in the language of Amaziqi, translated by Mazzak Eidar in morooco
Her poetry collection is available in Spanish, translated by Tiv Martinez in Spain.her second and New poetry collection published in tehran now that reached the final in the poetry award in Iran.Her first poetry collection translated to Romanian recently .Her collection won 1place poetry prize in european poetry champion in romania and  won Alhawaheri prize in sydney & Special prize of Hamsa Poetry Festival of Egypt
her poetry book “ I walk on dead letters “ published  In London and now Available on LuLu.

Poem - I Walk on Dead Letters
Sanaz Davoodzadehfar

The world is small
It is smaller than you
And no one knows
That how many worlds
Of galaxies
Has your one embrace

We are alive in our graves
But we are dead in our bedrooms
Life is not suitable for us
And death is not any human's size
To be or not to be
This question
Is a big mistake

Stay at wherever you are
Love is a strange event
If you are present, it will be present too
If you are not, it will be present more..

Seeing you
Is an everlasting habit
When you are absent,
I see you more than ever

"I love you"
How simple was my dream!
It thought that this sentence
Was said only by you
And messengers

Window is wall's smile
To me
Who test the flying just with a pencil
The window
Is the start of flying

I was born crying
I lived shouting
I like taking my leave
I like to be a smile
Same as
Mona Liza

When leaving is impossible,
I draw a horse
The sound of horse steps and hinny
Can be heard from the colors
This painting
Can't be domesticated

When you open the newspaper,
A rocket jumps out
The corpses who afraid of graves
Are hidden behind you
Their voices are red sirens
There are many jet planes on the table
The planes break the sound barrier in the room
You get a trench behind your desk
And warn them to go back inside the newspaper
You crawl
And roll up the newspaper,
Then pretend to be asleep
With such a newspaper no window can be cleaned

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