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A Few Poems of Dr.Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi (Pakistan)


Dr. Muhammad ishaq Abbasi

My whole life I have to live with Nature,
Teacher dear help to shape my future.
Blank in my mind,like a clear sky,
Furnish me with the knowledge to fly.
Like the God who makes the sun shine,
Make me sparkle,my mind refine.
Help me to gain the knowledge I crave.
Thus I would live till end in a grave.

Beautiful Rabbits
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi

There were beautiful Rabbits in the pasture,
Were lovely and  optimistic fellow by Nature.
Male was called buck and female  doe,
Each of them had four leg and four toe.

Eyes were round and ears were erect long,
Bodies were brown,sound and strong.
Had short Fluffy tail looked like a ball,
Hindlegs were long, forelegs were small,

They were herbivores and mammals,
Which were warm blooded animals.
Sat on hock and ate roots,grass quietly,
Always Slept in peace and snored lightly.

Played by themselves, protected from stormy weather,
Morn and eve,used to go out to graze together,
Ran fast  zigzags to confuse their predator,
Ever day they worshipped happily their creator.

The Rainbow
Dr.Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi

See see see sight,
Which is very bright.
Having fallen the sleet,
The rain bow does me greet.
Its co lours are bright,
They live above in the height.
I am in mother's lap,
Seeing it I happily clap.

©®Dr.Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi

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